Chris Brew RAL PPD HEPiX Workshop Summery Brookhaven National Laboratory October Chris Brew CCLRC - RAL
Chris Brew RAL PPD Highlights Spread of Scientific Linux Opterons have better price/performance ratio than Xeon XFS on Performance Disk servers Spam is a major problem for a lot of labs CHOS for maintaining old Linux Versions Ranger as a better SWATCH AFS Computer (In)Security
Chris Brew RAL PPD Spread of Scientific Linux Only 5 months on from the Edinburgh Accord Scientific Linux is spreading throughout HEP Mentioned in at least 9 large site reports including CERN, DESY and SLAC Next release of LCG will be primarily on SL so even more sites will soon be running it Only concern for future is compatibility between CERN and Core version
Chris Brew RAL PPD
Chris Brew RAL PPD Opteron/Nocona Comparison am/wiesand.pdf DESY and BNL independently ran performance tests of next generation of 64bit i386 chips from AMD and Intel Issue of porting HEP software to 64 bit and supporting what is effectively an extra OS Overall 64bit
Chris Brew RAL PPD
Chris Brew RAL PPD
Chris Brew RAL PPD
Chris Brew RAL PPD XFS on Performance Disk Servers There we a number of talks on disk server performance – – – All either just used XFS and the file system (presumably from previous tests) or where it was tested it came out significantly better
Chris Brew RAL PPD
Chris Brew RAL PPD SPAM! Large sites are expending a great deal of effort to try to reduce the amount of spam received by their users One site (JLab) has gone as far as contracting an external company MXLogic to filter all mail offsite to block spam CERN having reached the limits of content filtering has now started implementing active low level blocks: –Reverse DNS Lookup (increase detection 55% to 85%) –Reverse SMTP connect (should remove 25% more)
Chris Brew RAL PPD
Chris Brew RAL PPD CHOS – Change OS CHOS was written at NERSC to aid in securely supporting multiple Linux versions on one machine Allows divorcing the system OS from the user OS Basically chrooting to a different OS but its integrated with the batch system and pam so its transparent to the users
Chris Brew RAL PPD Ranger as a better swatch Latest enhancements of the SLAC ranger package implements an extended swatch like functionality Talk slides give examples of uses and rulesets
Chris Brew RAL PPD
Chris Brew RAL PPD AFS AFS still going strong –Many sites at various stages on the TansArc AFS OpenAFS OpenAFS+Kerberos 5 path –SLAC has PERL modules for doing AFS admin
Chris Brew RAL PPD Computer (In)Security Bob Cowles (SLAC) gave his customary talk to terrify the rest of the admins Long lists of vulnerabilities in Windows, Linux and MacOSX Good examples of Phishing scams
Chris Brew RAL PPD Phishing 1
Chris Brew RAL PPD
Chris Brew RAL PPD
Chris Brew RAL PPD
Chris Brew RAL PPD