23rd April 2002HEPSYSMAN April 20021 Oxford University Particle Physics Site Report Pete Gronbech Systems Manager.


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Presentation transcript:

23rd April 2002HEPSYSMAN April Oxford University Particle Physics Site Report Pete Gronbech Systems Manager

23rd April 2002HEPSYSMAN April Migration to Linux / W2K l General purpose VMS and Digital Unix to be phased out by July 31st 2002 l New Linux file server and Compute nodes. May be small farm? l All new windows systems will be Windows (NT4 declines)

23rd April 2002HEPSYSMAN April al17 - A Digital Personal Workstation 500au 9 * 50GB disks in the Datasilo

23rd April 2002HEPSYSMAN April New Linux based Unix Fileserver Dual 1GHz PIII Server RH7.1 1Gb/s Ethernet 1.5TB 12*160GB Maxtor IDE disks 1 Hot spare RAID 5 across 11 disks pplxfs1 Zero-D X-3i IDE-SCSI RAID ARRAY All rack mounted with UPS.

23rd April 2002HEPSYSMAN April Zero - D X- 3i SCSI -IDE RAID 12 * 160GB Maxtor Drives Supplied by Compusys

Linux NT PC Unix Workstation Desktops Servers CDF Linux (Dual 400MHz PII) GENERAL RAL Linux Farm Porting Machine Treat Linux as just another Unix and hence a server OS to be managed centrally. Wish to avoid badly managed desktop PCs running Linux. MINOS Linux/NT DAQ pplx1 Fermi pplx2 RH6.2 ppnt109 RH6.2 SNO Linux CPU Server pplx3 RH

General Purpose Linux Closely matches the CSF farm at RAL pplx2 Dual 450MHz Pentium II 1024MB RAM Linux Systems pplx1 Dual 400MHz Pentium II 1024MB RAM pplx3 Dual 800MHz Pentium II 512MB RAM cdf group system runs Fermi sno group system runs Red Hat 6.2

23rd April 2002HEPSYSMAN April CDF System Morpheus is an IBM x370 8 way SMP 700MHz Xeon 4GB RAM 1TB Fibre Channel disks Purchased as part of a JIF grant for the cdf group Runs Red Hat 7.1 Globus rpms UKHEP Certificates Uses cdf software developed at Fermilab. Identical systems at Glasgow, Liverpool, UCL and RAL.

23rd April 2002HEPSYSMAN April Lhcb Monte Carlo Setup 8 way 700MHz Xeon Server RH6.2 OpenAFS OpenPBS grid RH6.2 Globus1.1.3 OpenAFS OpenPBS Compute Node Grid Gateway

23rd April 2002HEPSYSMAN April Problems l Lack of Manpower! l Last year reported insufficient effort to get involved in experiments. l Also seeing problems with general IT support effort being spread too thin. Some recurring problems just dont get fixed. l Still finding it very hard to support laptops and to find time to develop proper system management procedures. l Try to find places where we can free up some support effort.