Birmingham site report Lawrie Lowe HEP System Managers Meeting, RAL,1 st July 2004
Farm hardware Alice Farm: 18 dual 800 MHz PC boxes BaBar Farm: 40 dual 800 MHz blades Atlas Farm: 38 dual 2.0 GHz blades Upgrades to Atlas Farm ? Currently housed in room with 25kW of cooling
Farm systems Alice and Atlas farms running RedHat 7.3 BaBar farm running RedHat 7.2 Issue of maintenance of BaBar farms and upgrades of BaBar software Atlas farm split into local part and LCG-2 part at present
Desktops Around 40 user-desktop PCs plus around 12 PCs in various labs/rooms All but 2 user-desktops running RedHat 9 2 user-desktops running Windows XP The other PCs running Linux or Windows as required
Laptops 9 laptops in a group Pool Half-a-dozen user laptops (mainly students) All laptops are behind an extra level of firewall to the outside world
Servers Mixture of old and new general purpose Linux servers, with RedHat 9 and newer systems to be trialled (Fedora 2, and RHEL clones) Citrix Windows Terminal Server(s) for those required MS applications.
Admin All Linux systems centrally administered (by me) Windows systems dual-admind with owner User laptops self-admind (hence the extra mostly-deny firewall)
Networking Gigabit to the newer servers, 100Mb/s to desktop (but gig interfaces on our new PCs) 2 Gbits/s for the dept to rest of campus Campus firewall expected to adopt default- deny policy But - no extra I.S. personnel and history of delayed response to problems because of under-manning
Question – site firewall policy at other sites? Default allow Default deny incoming Default deny incoming/outgoing Difficulties for grid/video-conferencing?