PAN-Africa Peace Associates Network 1.Chad ( The water conflict: a case study of lake Chad) 2.Democratic Republic o Congo ( Forest reserves and their contribution to conflict perpetuation) 3.Rwanda (Rwandan Refugees in Uganda, The Cessation Clause and or Sustainable Peace) 4.South Sudan (Cross border trade relations with Uganda and their effect on South Sudan Peace) 5.Somalia (Are women in Somalia bystanders ) 6.Eritrea ( Media Freedom and Diaspora) 7.Uganda ( Makerere University violent strikes: a way forward) 8.Kenya (Religion in the Rural areas, a solution to the city)
Uganda Advocacy Strategy 2013 Makerere University Violent strikes
Understand.Act and Live in Peace
The campaign’s overall goal, is to reduce strikes at the University, eradicate violence and inculcate a culture of healthy discussion. This will be done if we managed to: To get the extension of the tuition payment period to two months after the beginning of the term before September Getting the space for students and lecturers for expressing disagreements, by launching and nurturing a Peace Team.