Consultant, WIPO Worldwide Academy World Intellectual Property Organization and the WIPO Worldwide Academy Intensive Seminar on Intellectual Property for Law Students Geneva, May 23 to 27, 2005 Martha Chikowore Consultant, WIPO Worldwide Academy April 3, 2008
Introduction: What is Intellectual Property? History of WIPO MAIN TOPICS Introduction: What is Intellectual Property? History of WIPO WIPO’s Role and Current Main Activities WIPO Worldwide Academy
Intellectual Property: Introduction Intellectual Property: Ideas, inventions, technologies, art works, music and literature that are intangible when first created but become valuable in tangible form as products.
Intellectual Property Tools Industrial Property - patents - trademarks - industrial designs - geographical indications Copyright & Related Rights - literary, artistic, musical works - actors, music distributors, etc.
Fields of Industrial Property Patents (protect technical features) Trademarks (protect a sign in relation to goods and/or services) Designs (protect the external appearance of a product) GI’s (geographical names identifying a product from that place, the quality of which is attributable to its geographical origin)
Origin of WIPO/History of WIPO 1873- international exhibition of inventions in Vienna 1883- birth of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property 1886- adoption of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
Origin of WIPO/History of WIPO The Paris Convention and the Berne Convention, each set up an International Bureau 1893- the two Bureaus united to form an international organization called International Bureau for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI). It was based in Berne, Switzerland 1960 – BIRPI moved to Geneva 1970 – WIPO was established 1974 – WIPO became a UN Specialized Agency
Milestones : 1883 to 2008 2005 PLT 2002 Internet Treaties 1989 1970 Madrid Protocol PCT 1970 WIPO established 1967 WIPO Convention 1960 BIRPI moves to Geneva 1925 Hague Agreement 1893 BIRPI 1891 1886 Madrid Agreement 1883 Berne Convention Paris Convention
Basic Facts about WIPO Status: An int’l intergovernmental organization WIPO’s Mission: To promote the protection of IP rights worldwide and extend the benefits of the international IP system to all Status: An int’l intergovernmental organization Member States: 184 Staff: 1500 from 100 countries Treaties Administered: 24 Decisions by: GA, CC, WIPO Conference Guiding Principles: Transparency, Accountability, Consensus
Main Activities Registration Services facilitating the international protection of intellectual property, making them user-friendly, simpler and cost-effective Norm-Setting Setting international standards through adoption of hard laws (treaties) and soft laws (principles, guidelines, recommendations) International classification and standardization activities Cooperation among industrial property offices concerning patents, TM and Ind. des. documentation Program Activities: IP for Development Legal-Technical assistance to developing countries, LDCs, capacity building of Member States
Main activities Promote Understanding of IP Registration Administration of treaties Cooperation for development Human Resources Development (WIPO Worldwide Academy)
Other programs IP and economic development Strategic use of IP IP and new technology Creative industries Collective management IP and SMEs IP and LDCs Traditional Knowledge, Folklore and Genetic Resources
Human Resources Dev. WIPO Worldwide Academy Programs Professional Development Policy Development Education Degree/Diploma Distance Learning Program Executive & Research WIPO Summer School
Professional Training Objective: To train - Professional staff in IP Offices - R&D Institutions - Industry Associations - Intergovernmental Orgs - Partnership with National/Regional IP Institutions
Policy Development Objective - To provide a forum for sharing information and training: decision-makers Policy advisors Law enforcement officials, Judges etc. Diplomats General public Gov’t officials (WTO-TPC) Professors (WIPO-WTO Colloquium)
Cooperation with Universities Degree & Diploma Programs: Turin, Italy (LLM in IP) Lund/Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Sweden (LLM in H/R & IP) Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), India (Diploma in IP) South Africa (UNISA) (Certificate in IP) University of Bucharest, Romania (Diploma in IP)
“Distance should no longer be an obstruction to instruction” Dr. Kamil Idris Director General
Distance Learning Cost effective Flexible Large audiences Languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Costing per course DL-001 - free DL- 101 - free Advanced Courses: US$80.00 students & professors US$120.00 participants from Developing countries US$400.00 participants from Developed countries
Research & Executive Program IP Research Objective: Better understanding of the role and impact of IP on industry, national, regional and international development Interdisciplinary Strengthen leadership quality in the IP field of individuals and organizations
WIPO Academy Summer School Objective: To enhance IP skills of senior students and young professionals field of IP. “We arrived as individuals, we left as an IP network”
WIPO’s Income 2006-2007 Total: 531 M CHF
The World Intellectual Property Organization Welcome …. Today, we are going to explain to you, in very general terms, what this Organization does and why? Thank you