Welcome to Harmony Middle School Home of the Hornets!
WHS Champions!
*bathroom *cafeteria *hallways *locker areas *bus *CLASSROOMS* Behavior Expectations for our school community!
LEAVE NO TRACE Hush, flush and go! Use inside voice GIVE PRIVACY Stay to the RIGHT ENTER and EXIT calmly Use appropriate language Do not use cell phone WALK Use good manners Take care of school property Use at appropriate times Report problems to an adult Follow adult instructions Raise your hand Arrive on time Use a pass Keep hands and feet to yourself Keep moving Enter classrooms only when adult is present Stay seated SIT IN THE FRONT Maintain personal space Eat your own food
Hornet Habits - Bathroom Show Video
Hornet Habits - Cafeteria Show Video
Hornet Habits – Hallways and Locker Areas Show Video
Hornet Habits – Bus Show Video
HORNET HIGH FIVES Stay tuned…Coming soon! Student and Staff Incentives…
Harmony Habits HORNET Logo Design CONTEST! Please see Ms. Dowdy, Ms. DeMark, or Ms. Fiolek for more information! Designs due to an art teacher by Friday, September 12. Get involved... Pick up entry forms at any art room.