the internet in Adrian Whitchurch Manager, European Regulation BT Brussels
….outlook for the net n the future landscape –individual or commercial –evolution or revolution n rules or self-regulation –open or closed n international co-ordination
future landscapes n “wild frontier” for individuals and personal creativity n growing commercial significance n changing patterns of use n development of other media
rules or self-regulation ? n unregulated chaos –foundation of success –land of opportunity for creative individuals, entrepreneurs, SMEs n government response –control the chaos –establish certainty and security
rules or self-regulation ? too much anarchy leads to... n uncertainty for users and businesses n internet confined to the enthusiast minority but too much control... n deters criminals and honest users alike n restricts growth opportunities
regulate what ? n IPR n on-line liability n electronic signatures and encryption n electronic contracts n e-money n data protection n internet governance
regulation - the content liability conundrum n provide legal certainty for copyright protection n promote action over illegal and harmful content n but keep the net open...
bt.mistaken n n n n n n n n
who runs the world ? n need for international co-ordination n business and users to lead n Global Business Dialogue n OECD, TABD, ICANN, ICC...
business perspective n the internet IS a commercial medium n it CANNOT stay a wild frontier n e-commerce will require business and consumer trust n regulatory environment MUST promote confidence in internet trade n need pragmatic, inclusive solutions