flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning LearnScope From An overview LearnScope focuses on professional development to enhance the skills and understanding that underpin e-Learning and e- business. It provides funding for work-based professional development projects and encourages both individuals and teams to model sustainable practices in their own learning through a range of strategies including engagement with recent thinking about professional development in the ‘knowledge era’. knowledge era’
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Context LearnScope is one form of funding for Professional Development in VET funded by the Australian Flexible Learning Framework
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning LearnScope outcomes 17,500 teachers, trainers, managers, technical and support staff have benefited to date LS manages and leaders, in each State and Territory, are skilled project & thought leaders Longitudinal studies have measured and indicated flow-on effects for organisational ability
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning LS Case Studies
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Background: Best of AFLC: a collection of learning from the archives
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Teaching, Training & Learners
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning 2005 Performance Indicators % of VET teachers and trainers able to customise e-learning content % of VET teachers and trainers using and satisfied with e-learning Take-up, use, sharing and personalization of e-learning resources by providers Attitude of VET leaders and managers to e-learning % of VET providers offering e-learning options Use of e-learning by targeted learner segments including people with disabilities Level of general usage and resource sharing achieved through the national network
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Project Examples from 2005 Digital Storytelling PD Online induction Upskill food safety technology Internships Writing and editing online E-meetings eMentoring Online role-play Professor on the Podium Blended learning techniques Tourism and Floristry Online health resources Retail online Making toolboxes work Librarians and Learning Resources English language school e- Learning support Engage (Building relationships with Youth) Putting PDAs into practice
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Reflections from projects "Through LearnScope projects staff have become up-skilled and enthused about a whole range of Flexible Learning concepts and practices. The experiences they have had working on the projects have enhanced the creativity of the teachers." Adrian Marron, CEO Wodonga TAFE
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning LearnScope managers’ perspectives
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Early rush for a project
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Funding $ $ $ $ $ $ $
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Proposals due in! MARCHMARCH
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Selection? That’s tough. APRILAPRIL
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Projects are up and running. May June
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning New flexible skills emerging
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Time to reflect JULYJULY
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning LearnScopers make an impression August to November
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Final reports now due NOVEMBERNOVEMBER
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Now we can all relax! SHOWCASESHOWCASE
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Need more: subscribe to National Flex e-News
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Or visit these useful URLs LearnScope - national LearnScope Community - Victoria LearnScope Archives
flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning LearnScope Victoria