Todays population: 8,1million
Crimes mostly happens where people of different cultures come together (Bronx, Harlem) Guiliani‘s Law&Order politic decreased the crime rate Increased numbers of policemen Stricter laws NYC is today one of the safest Cities in the USA
Stretches from northern Cetral Park to 155thn Street and from East River to Harlem River Dutch settlers live there in the 16th century 1800:they built houses and rich people came to lived there 1900:immigrants came and the white population disappeared 1920:just Afro-Americans and other minorities live in H. 1960:the poverty raised Today:just poor families and no white people In the 1990´s there were some projects for a better life in Harlem but the people didn´t care about it. Harlem
people are homeless sleep in New York City shelter systems live on the streets and parks More than soup-kitchens and food-pantries 90% of the homelss New Yorkers are black or Latinos