ROP Web Design Mr. Briggs’ Class Room B4 Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Check Seating Chart Find your name and sit at the correct computer station Backpacks along cabinet No food/drinks (no H20 at computers) Stay off computers please until we begin today’s assignment ROP Web Design Mr. Briggs’s Class Room B4 Monday, August 9, 2010
Today’s Objective and Learning Standard Begin to create a basic definition and understanding of the Internet Begin to create a basic definition and understanding of the Internet Define common Internet and web design terminology Define common Internet and web design terminology Standard: Written and Oral language 1.3 Standard: Written and Oral language 1.3 Demonstrate an understanding of proper English usage and control of grammar, paragraph and sentence structure - Demonstrate an understanding of proper English usage and control of grammar, paragraph and sentence structure
Homework Protect Yourself Online Protect Yourself Online Read the article Protect Yourself Online from Consumer Reports (Sept. 2008) Read the article Protect Yourself Online from Consumer Reports (Sept. 2008)Protect Yourself OnlineProtect Yourself Online Answer questions on handout Answer questions on handout Due Tuesday 08/10/10 Due Tuesday 08/10/10 30 Points 30 Points
Computer Log on Come back to teacher’s computer when called Log on with the user name I give you password Initial PW is password WD Once logged on, go to the inbox on desktop and open this PP – WD Begin today’s assignment
Read Overview first Then read An Improving Picture next Continue reading the rest of the articles in this section
Terminology Today we will study and define the following Internet terminology 1. Internet (Internet is capitalized) 2. TCP/IP 3. Hyperlink 4. Internal hyperlink 5. External hyperlink 6. Intrapage hyperlink 7. I.P. address 8. Domain address
Definition of the Internet A network of computer networks which operates world-wide using a common set of communications protocols. The vast collection of inter-connected networks across the world that all use the TCP/IP protocols.
TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol TCP/IP – The basic Internet protocol which allows computers to identify each other and communicate. Another thing to know...
Hyperlink A graphic or piece of text in a Web page that, when clicked with a mouse, causes another file on the Web to be accessed. A graphic or piece of text in a Web page that, when clicked with a mouse, causes another file on the Web to be accessed. The HTML code used to create a hyperlink includes the Web address (URL) of the file to which it points. The HTML code used to create a hyperlink includes the Web address (URL) of the file to which it points.
Hyperlink examples... or or CNNcnn.comCNN
3 kinds of hyperlinks 1. Internal – takes you to another page on the same web site 2. External – takes you to a page on another web site 3. Intrapage – move you to a different spot on the same page
Ok, one more thing. Really. IP Address: = Using a domain makes an address easier to remember.
Anatomy of an address Do you have an address? What client do you use? Common clients: MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express, Eudora or PegasusMS OutlookEudoraPegasus Sometimes your client is within a web page: Hotmail and Yahoomail HotmailYahoomail
Anatomy of an address Name of the person who you’re sending mail to Symbol for the word “at”. Identifies an address. Domain – identifies where the mail need to go Top level domain = network services (.com = commercial) (.edu = education) (.mil = military)
Do you know the steps to developing a web Page? Steps to Develop a Web Page STEP ONE Determine Purpose of Web Site STEP TWO Design and Implement the Site STEP THREE Evaluate and Test the Site STEP FOUR Publish the Site STEP FIVE Maintain the Site Web Site Careers Web Developer Web Designer Web Author Webmaster
Review – what did we learn today? 1. Friendly reminder 2. Concerns 3. Terminology 4. Anatomy of an address 5. homework