CE 550 ADVANCED HIGHWAY DESIGN Thomas B. Stout, Ph.D., P.E. B.S.E., Sacramento State College, 1971 M.S., University of Nebraska, 1992 Ph.D., Iowa State University, 2005 Professional engineer in Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, and Nebraska Thirty-five years of professional practice
Chalhuanca to Abancay
Chalhuanca - Abancay Photos from construction company JJ Camet website, (
North Coast Highway, Jamaica Highway Aerial photo from Google EarthDragon Bay
Mills Civic Parkway Interchange Aerial photo courtesy of Stanley Consultants, Inc.
Teaching Philosophy Teaching is a lot like parenting Write it down No stupid questions
Housekeeping Web site --CE 550 Advanced Highway DesignCE 550 Advanced Highway Design Main page – to be developed Syllabus Contact information
OBJECTIVES Getting deeper into the highway design process Lecture – describing the process and giving the theory behind the design Homework – doing the process and documenting your work
HIGHWAY DESIGN PROCESS Source: Flexibility in Highway Design, FHWA
PLANNING Establish project need Define project criteria and goals PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT
PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AKA Preliminary Design Refine project need Develop a variety of design concepts Compare design concepts and their impacts Mitigation of impacts Continuous public involvement Web site Newsletters Meetings
FINAL DESIGN Horizontal alignment Vertical alignment Cross-sections Drainage Detailed geometry (intersections) Traffic control and staging Traffic control devices Right-of-way
AND NOW IT’S YOUR TURN Class list Questions