Stacie Martin, Paradise High School CTAP 295: Final Presentation By Stacie Martin
Stacie Martin, Paradise High School CTAP 295: Final Presentation Paradise High School 9 th Grade Web Site: Computer Foundations
Stacie Martin, Paradise High School CTAP 295: Final Presentation Lesson Students: Followed three stocks for 10 days Used a spreadsheet to track increases and decreases Calculated profit/loss for each stock and portfolio Created a chart to illustrate outcomes
Stacie Martin, Paradise High School CTAP 295: Final Presentation Expectations To create a student lesson To learn basic web design To publish that lesson on a web site To learn to upload and download to a server
Stacie Martin, Paradise High School CTAP 295: Final Presentation Outcomes Netscape Navigator Program Uploading and downloading using Fetch and Leech Creating and changing links within my web page Linking a document to a web page I learned:
Stacie Martin, Paradise High School CTAP 295: Final Presentation Successes Interest in the stock market Interest in spreadsheets to track stocks Excitement everyday to see gains/losses Use of internet to access web page Use of internet to research companies Appreciation of spreadsheets to help with tracking Lesson meets standards
Stacie Martin, Paradise High School CTAP 295: Final Presentation Shortcomings Began spreadsheet unit before pre-test School-wide testing interfered with time-line Students did not refer to web site enough Not enough time to complete all components Problems with computer hardware
Stacie Martin, Paradise High School CTAP 295: Final Presentation Graphs
Stacie Martin, Paradise High School CTAP 295: Final Presentation Revisions Change my introduction so that students rely more on web page for direction Time the lesson within school calendar Coordinate and time the two units Give the pre-test prior to beginning spreadsheets Spend more time on graphing Rewrite to include more step by step instruction.
Stacie Martin, Paradise High School CTAP 295: Final Presentation Summary Overall students enjoyed the assignment and found the internet component the best part. Most liked referring to the internet for instruction. Some students needed more detailed explanation which lead me to rewrite in a more step by step method. I plan to continue this lesson and possibly add more to the internet in the future.
Stacie Martin, Paradise High School CTAP 295: Final Presentation Student Work
Stacie Martin, Paradise High School CTAP 295: Final Presentation
Stacie Martin, Paradise High School CTAP 295: Final Presentation