Accessible Transport & Social Inclusion National Transport Strategy Conference 30 May 2006 Dunblane.


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Presentation transcript:

Accessible Transport & Social Inclusion National Transport Strategy Conference 30 May 2006 Dunblane

Poverty & Social Inclusion in Scotland – current trends Why Accessibility Matters Social Inclusion and Transport Challenges for the NTS Access to Transport & Social Inclusion

Children: around 1/4 of Scottish children live in relative poverty, around 240,000 (2004/05) Lone parents: 44% live in poverty (2003/04) Pensioners: between 16% and 23% are in low income households (140,000 – 170,000) People from minority ethic groups and disabled people – strong links to labour market exclusion Who is in Poverty?

Scottish Poverty Statistics Source: Households Below Average Incomes, DWP, 2006

Adult households without children 1996/ /04 Scottish Poverty Statistics

Showed overall poverty rate was ‘flat’ – but not necessarily a sign of policy failure Problems of in work poverty are increasing – 2/5 of all working age H/H in low income contain someone in paid employment Not all of the poor live in disadvantaged area places: 40% of people with low incomes live in the 15% most deprived data zones in SMID Health indicators significantly worse than England & Wales (particularly dental health, drug misuse, premature death) Monitoring Poverty and Social Exclusion 2004

There are a range of questions we should ask about the accessibility of transport: Can people get to key services at reasonable cost, in reasonable time and with reasonable ease? To meet these criteria: transport must exist between people and services transport must be reliable, safe and physically accessible people must be financially able to access transport Accessibility can be addressed by changes in transport provision, but also by changes to the location of goods and services Some key questions on accessibility

People on low incomes are less likely to have access to a car – 63% of households with incomes of less than £10K do not. Employment lead anti-poverty strategies are dependent on accessible transport systems 40% of jobseekers state transport is a barrier to getting a job. Will reinforce problems of access to childcare Accessing services such as healthcare, education and food shops is often dependent on good public transport - 31% of people without a car have difficulty visiting hospitals. Transport can be both a cause and a consequence of social exclusion Social Exclusion & Transport : What is the problem?

Availability and physical accessibility – bus services in disadvantaged areas are often minimal, poor rural services have a particular on young and older people on low incomes. Cost of transport – often cited as the key barrier Location of services and jobs – more out of town developments, housing schemes etc Safety and security – 53% of women feel unsafe waiting on a train platform after dark Travel horizons – people from disadvantaged areas are less likely to travel longer distances Five key accessibility barriers

Overall reductions in income poverty for some key groups – families with children, lone parents and older people Free bus travel for older people and disabled people appears to have had an immediate impact Rural Community Transport Initiative & Rural Public Passenger Transport Scheme (more 150 schemes supported, 400 new bus routes) Improvements to the provision of buses in disadvantaged areas – the Bus Route Development Grant Scheme Social Inclusion and Transport : Progress so far

What are the challenges for the NTS in promoting an accessible Scotland? Genuinely balance economic and social transport needs – how to ‘poverty proof’ the new strategy Ensuring that all those on low incomes are not excluded from public transport. Need to recognise the nature of low income in Scotland – how to extend eligibility to all those affected by poverty? Tackle the physical exclusion of disabled people – ensuring compliance with DDA Accessibility Challenges for the NTS

Accessibility planning – how best to ensure that people with experience of poverty and exclusion are involved Support for infrastructure – station facilities, buildings all impact on accessibility Real integration of services – how to make variety of schemes and providers work together for the most disadvantaged Making the change from a ‘car culture’ to one where public transport is for all rather than for the poor Accessibility Challenges for the NTS