Main cereals WheatRiceCorn OatsBarleyRye
How are cereals used? UseExamples GrainsWhole or crushed FlourTo make pasta, bread, cakes, pastries, biscuits etc. Breakfast cerealShredded Wheat, Rice Krispies, Cornflakes, Porridge oats, etc.
Different types of flour Type of wheatGluten contentUsed for Strong wheatHigh protein contentStrong flour used to make bread and pasta Weak wheatLow protein contentSoft flour used to make cakes, pastry and biscuits
Rice and pasta Dried pasta, in particular have all the advantages of rice, They are: Cheap to buy Easy to obtain Easy to store Have a long shelf life Cook quickly Have a good nutritional value Can be used in a variety of ways Come in a variety of types
Rice Chefs use different varieties of rice depending on the dish they are making. Type of riceCharacteristics Short grain rice‘clumps’ together when cooked Long grain riceFluffy, firm and separate when cooked Brown riceMore food value (fibre) but takes a long time to cook Wild riceMore food value (fibre) & looks attractive