STUDY OF CHARMONIUM STATES IN ANTIPROTON-PROTON ANNIHILATIONS: RESULTS FROM FERMILAB E-835 Giulio Stancari Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory for the E-835 Collaboration: Fermilab (USA) INFN and University of Ferrara (Italy) INFN and University of Genoa (Italy) University of California at Irvine (USA) University of Minnesota (USA) Northwestern University (USA) INFN and University of Turin (Italy) IV International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons Valencia (Spain), June 2000
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUE Determination of resonance parameters M, and B IN ×B OUT depends on knowledge of beam energy distribution and NOT on detector resolution To overcome large hadronic background ( TOT 70 mb), e.m. final states are used as signature of charmonium formation ( OBS pb-nb)
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June CHARMONIUM SPECTRUM AND ACCUMULATOR
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June CERN experiment R704 at the ISR (mid 1980s) proved the feasibility of the technique. Study of the c1 and c2 states... Fermilab E-760 took data in 1990 and Precise measurements of c1 and c2 parameters, J/ and ’ widths. Observation of the h c (1 1 P 1 ) state... Fermilab E-835 (1996/97) was a continuation of E-760. Several detector upgrades (CCAL signal shapers, scintillating-fiber tracker, additional hodoscope…). Some results presented here E-835 (2000) started data taking last January (till August?). New FCAL, additional fiber tracker, new Accumulator lattice (no transition crossing)… Present status of c0 study shown here
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June FERMILAB
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June E-835 DETECTOR
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June BEAM, TARGET, LUMINOSITY Energy distribution of stochastically cooled antiprotons measured from Schottky noise spectrum ( f/f ) and closed- orbit length ( L/L 0 1mm / 474m): c = f × (L 0 + L) L 0 calibrated at ’ Typical CM energy spread (FWHM) is keV
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June BEAM, TARGET, LUMINOSITY The variable-density hydrogen-gas jet target allows efficient use of antiprotons and typical instantaneous luminosities of 2.5×10 31 cm -2 s -1 (=90 events/nb/hour) Interaction region, as defined by beam and jet target, is 5×5×7 mm Luminosity is measured to 3% from pbar-p elastic recoil near 90°
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June ELECTRON IDENTIFICATION On-line: two back-to-back charged tracks associated with Cherenkov signal; two back-to-back energy deposits in CCAL with invariant mass > 2.4 GeV Off-line: Neyman-Pearson test statistic (“Electron Weight”) based upon hodoscope dE/dx, Cherenkov npe and CCAL shower shape Background mostly due to 0 s: photon conversions and Dalitz decays
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June ELECTRON IDENTIFICATION
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June STUDY OF THE c0 (1 3 P 0 ) RESONANCE Trigger+topology only Final selection
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June STUDY OF THE c0 (1 3 P 0 ) RESONANCE † Ambrogiani et al., PRL 83, 2902 (1999) E-835(96/97) † E-835(2000) PRELIMINARY
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June STUDY OF THE c0 (1 3 P 0 ) RESONANCE
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June SELECTION OF FINAL STATES No in-time extra clusters in CCAL No undetermined extra clusters forming invariant mass within 35 MeV of 0 mass when paired with candidates Kinematic fit probability > 5% Electron Weight < Efficiency ( 75%) estimated for each run Background comes from 0 0 and 0 final states with photon(s) outside acceptance or below CCAL energy threshold (“feeddown”). continuum is negligible
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June STUDY OF THE c (1 1 S 0 ) RESONANCE E-835(96/97) E-835 PRELIMINARY
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June STUDY OF THE c (1 1 S 0 ) RESONANCE Gupta et al. (96) Huang et al. (97) E-835 PRELIMINARY
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June STUDY OF THE c (1 1 S 0 ) RESONANCE Huang et al. (97) Münz (96) Ackleh and Barnes (92) Kroll et al. (93) Gupta et al. (96) E-835 PRELIMINARY
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June DECAYS OF c0 (1 3 P 0 ) AND c2 (1 3 P 2 )
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June DECAYS OF c0 (1 3 P 0 ) AND c2 (1 3 P 2 )
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June DECAYS OF c0 (1 3 P 0 ) AND c2 (1 3 P 2 ) Decay rates to are measured from the ratio of and J/ cross sections: B( 0,2 J/ ) is relatively well known, compared to statistical error. Possible systematics from CM energy or luminosity cancel out.
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June DECAYS OF c0 (1 3 P 0 ) AND c2 (1 3 P 2 ) c0 c2
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June DECAYS OF c0 (1 3 P 0 ) AND c2 (1 3 P 2 ) Huang and Chao (96)Gupta et al. (96) Münz (96) Bodwin et al. (95) Barnes (92)
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June DECAYS OF c0 (1 3 P 0 ) AND c2 (1 3 P 2 ) Münz (96) Barnes (92) Huang and Chao (96) Gupta et al. (96)
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June c1 (1 3 P 1 ) AND c2 (1 3 P 2 ) ANGULAR DISTRIBUTIONS
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June c1 (1 3 P 1 ) AND c2 (1 3 P 2 ) ANGULAR DISTRIBUTIONS 2144 c1 events
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June c1 (1 3 P 1 ) AND c2 (1 3 P 2 ) ANGULAR DISTRIBUTIONS 6028 c2 events
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June c1 (1 3 P 1 ) AND c2 (1 3 P 2 ) ANGULAR DISTRIBUTIONS Predicted to be 0 or negligibly small (Olsson et al. 1985, Sebastian et al. 1992, Grotch et al. 1984) Interesting physics. Good test for models
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June c1 (1 3 P 1 ) AND c2 (1 3 P 2 ) ANGULAR DISTRIBUTIONS McClary and Byers (1983) predict that ratio is independent of c-quark mass and anomalous magnetic moment
Giulio StancariHyperons 2000 Valencia (Spain), June CONCLUSIONS Thanks for your attention! An interesting physics program is being carried out by Fermilab experiment E-835. Some results have been presented here: c0 resonance parameters (and more data is being taken as we speak) intriguing coupling to pbar-p c resonance parameters c0, c2 and c decay rates to two photons angular distribution of c1 and c2 radiative decays c2 magnetic quadrupole component higher than c1 c0 coupling to pbar-p much higher than c2 with J z =0