* The Industrial Revolution Kirby-CHS DBQ Discussion: “Progress vs. Poverty”
North Clackamas School District Social Studies Priority Standards: HK 2. Analyze the complexity and investigate causes and effects of significant events in World History. RH 9. Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic in several primary and secondary sources SS 62. propose, compare and judge multiple responses, alternatives, or solutions to issues or problems; then reach an informed, defensible, supported conclusion. SS 63. Engage in informed and respectful deliberation and discussion of issues, events, and ideas
I Can participate in a discussion focusing on the guiding question: “Do the benefits of industrialization outweigh its negative effects?
Come to class with your DBQ Packet completely filled out in detail. Make sure your summary chart on the last two pages is filled out as your script for discussion. Be prepared to share your thoughts on the subject AT LEAST three times in your assigned small discussion group.
Below the level 2/level 3 questions on the last page of your packet, answer the following guiding question (You will be asked to read this in your group). “Do the benefits of Industrialization outweigh its negative effects?”
Everyone will share their thoughts (read word for word if you need to) on the following: What were the positive effects of the Industrial revolution? Please cite specific examples from your DBQ Packet and/or notes.
Write the names of everyone in your group on the back page (skip some space in between each name. Take notes on what is said by each person-their opinion on the subject.
Everyone will share their thoughts (read word for word if you need to) on the following: What were the Negative effects of the Industrial revolution? Please cite specific examples from your DBQ Packet and/or notes.
Everyone will share their thoughts (read word for word if you need to) on the following: “Do the benefits of Industrialization outweigh its negative effects?”
Everyone will now score yourself using the two rubrics provided (front and back) for the DBQ packet and the discussion phase. I will go over these now. I will also score your work using the rubrics provided. Please staple the rubric to the back of your packet now.