Machining Jeopardy MillingLatheGrinding $100 $200 $300 Finished ? Finished ?
Milling $100 It is used for cutting surfaces, pockets, keyways, and grooves. End Mill End Mill File Fly Cutter Fly Cutter
Milling $200 The process of moving the machined piece in the direction of the cutting teeth movement. Conventional Milling Conventional Milling Power Milling Power Milling Climb Milling Climb Milling
Milling $300 The shop standard to determine the RPM needed for the tool piece. (CS x 4) / D (CS x 4) / D (D x CS) /4 (D x CS) /4 (4 x D) / CS (4 x D) / CS
Lathe $100 The process of manipulating the placement of chips during machining. Chip Maintenance Chip Maintenance Chip Control Chip Control Chip Transferring Chip Transferring
Lathe $200 A style of thread where turning counter- clockwise tightens. Left Hand Left Hand Central Hand Central Hand Right Hand Right Hand
Lathe $300 The term used for machining shoulders. Drilling Facing Knurling
Grinding $100 The ideal material used for dressing grinding wheels. Diamond Ceramic Carbide
Grinding $200 The term used to determine if a grinding wheel is cracked. Shifting Calming Ringing
Grinding $300 The dangerous error that occurs when a wheel is overloaded. Wheel Glazing Wheel Glazing Wheel Melting Wheel Melting Wheel Exploding Wheel Exploding
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