Consolidated Funding ApplicationConsolidated Funding Application ESEA Directors InstituteESEA Directors Institute October 6-9, 2014October 6-9, 2014
Overview 2
Funding Application Process 3
Consolidated Funding Application – Applying for funds: The consolidated funding application (CFA) should be written so that it can be managed within the regulations that apply Review your CFA with a grants management eye before submitting it Read and understand the assurances on the Sections page in ePlan for the application 4
FEDERAL REQUIREMENT RATIONALE: – Compliance Supplement, Part 6: Internal Controls “The A-102 Common Rule and OMB Circular A-110 (2 CFR part 215) require that non-Federal entities receiving Federal awards (i.e., auditee management) establish and maintain internal control designed to reasonably ensure compliance with Federal laws, regulations, and program compliance requirements.” 5
Application Supports LEA Plan Title I – Section 1112 (a) Plans Required (1) Subgrants – A local educational agency may receive a subgrant under this part for any fiscal year only if such agency has on file with the State educational agency a plan approved by the State educational agency. 6
School-level Requirements… Planning The plan must be developed in consultation with the district and its support team Must be developed with the involvement of parents, community members, and individuals who carry out such a plan, including teachers, principals and administrators. The plan must be based on a comprehensive needs assessment 7
Funding Application Issues and Revisions 8
School Eligibility and PPA On the School Eligibility Page, ALL schools must be given a sort order Schools with poverty greater than 75% must be sort order 1 On the School Eligibility Page, enrollment and low-income numbers must be entered for ALL schools A minimum of $100 PPA is required Must award enough to schools to operate a viable program. This may impact the number of schools you can serve Remaining amount in column F on PPA should be 0.00 or close (but not negative) 9
Determining School Allocations Rank order all buildings according to poverty percent (Usually based on free and reduced price lunch percentage.) Must serve all buildings over 75% poverty before serving any buildings below 75% Then rank and serve by district wide or by grade span Can reach buildings down to 35% If district average is lower than 35% can reach buildings down to district (or grade span) average but must allocate at least 125% of district per pupil amount to every building in the rank order Buildings with higher poverty must have a PPA of at least as much as one with lower poverty 10
125% Rule… Only required if serving schools < 35% poverty If district average is lower than 35%, can serve buildings down to district (or grade span) average, but must allocate at least 125% of district PPA to every school served in the rank order Total I-A allocation ÷ total # of low-income students in district x 1.25 = 125% of PPA, required minimum PPA for all schools served Purpose of 125% rule is to concentrate Title I funds in neediest schools for greater impact 11
Special Rules Small LEAs may serve any school(s) if meet criteria: Single attendance area (a one-school district or one school per grade span), OR LEA enrollment < 1000 Allows small LEAs to focus services to schools as needed without ranking and serving rules “Grandfather” rule: An LEA may serve a school for one more year that falls below the poverty threshold for Title I schools Allows a school to continue services as poverty levels fluctuate 12
Skipped Schools A school that would be eligible to be funded with Title I funds may only be “skipped” or excluded from Title I funding if: The school receives funding from supplemental state or local sources The funding is equivalent to what would be received under Title I The funding is used to provide a Title I-like program The school receives comparable state and local funding Must upload a Skipped Schools letter into the ePlan – Title I Related Documents 13
Do I Need A Revision? Consult with IDEA to see if revisions are needed prior to submitting ESEA revisions Submit Title I, II, III etc. revisions at one time when possible Minor budget items should be held and submitted at one time Must submit a revision when making changes to your program or budget Must have approved revision PRIOR TO implementing program or budget changes Never hire personnel prior to revision approval Revision must go through entire approval process to be reflected in ePlan 14
Other Application Issues/Tips 15
Other application questions? Let’s pull up ePlan … 16
17 FRAUD, WASTE or ABUSE Citizens and agencies are encouraged to report fraud, waste or abuse in State and Local government. NOTICE: This agency is a recipient of taxpayer funding. If you observe an agency director or employee engaging in any activity which you consider to be illegal, improper or wasteful, please call the state Comptroller’s toll-free Hotline: Notifications can also be submitted electronically at: