Affects of WWI
Spanish Flu of Estimates of 20 – 40 million deaths worldwide
Sacco and Vanzetti Reading Read and answer questions on your own
Espionage and Sedition Acts Review: what did these acts say? What is the Constitutional issue?
Red Scare Bolsheviks Revolution in 1917 First successful communist revolution Murdered imperial family Anastasia conspiracy Postwar labor strikes Encouraged radical activism Communist Labor Party formed in US In 1919 McKinley’s assassination Shot by anarchists in 1901
Palmer Raids Attorney General under President Wilson lead raids May 1, bombs sent via mail to American politicians and businessmen Began the “witch” hunt Many jailed or deported with evidence
Federal Bureau of Investigation Lead by J. Edgar Hoover Used Espionage or Sedition Act Tracked anyone who was anti war or anti-government No search warrants Jailed labor organizers
Witch Hunt Majority of Americans (middle class, white) accepted this invasion of privacy Wartime propaganda Saw America’s national security as more important that individual civil liberties Focus on recent European immigrants “New Immigrants” Some saw communism or anarchy as solution to poverty Red Scare refers to fear of communism Turns into anything anti-American
End of Red Scare Palmer thought that on May 1st (Socialist Labor Day) 1920 Protests Build-up to revolution Nothing happened Palmer lost credibility
What issues do you see with this subject?
Homework 19.4 #1, 4-6