The basic purpose of dog shows is to facilitate the evaluation of breeding stock for use in producing the next generations. About the A.K.C. The Westminster Kennel Club Dog show (established in 1876), is America's second longest continuously held sporting event, behind only the Kentucky Derby. American Kennel Club (AKC), national organization in the United States devoted to the advancement and welfare of pure-bred dogs. It is comprised of approximately 500 autonomous clubs. A delegate represents each club in the AKC's legislative body, which votes on the rules and regulations that govern dog shows and obedience and field trials. The AKC keeps a registry of recognized breeds (it registered over 900,000 dogs in 2003), and records the ancestry of registered pure-bred dogs in its stud book. It also provides educational materials for dog owners and sponsors rescue groups for each breed. Best in Show Best Of Group Best of Breed There are 7 A.K.C. recognized groups: Non-Sporting Sporting Herding Hound Working Toy Terrier There are, as of October 2004, 157 breeds recognized by the A.K.C. and 51 rare breeds that can be registered in its Foundation Stock Service (F.S.S.). There are also 4 breeds currently that have advanced from F.S.S. status, but are not yet fully recognized.
Herding Group German Shepherd Dog Border Collie Puli Bouvier des Flandres
Herding Group Collie (Rough)Collie (Smooth) Shetland Sheepdog Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Herding Group Old English Sheepdog Briard Australian SheepdogAustralian Cattle Dog
Working Group Great Pyrenees Alaskan Malamute Samoyed Siberian Husky
Working Group Newfoundland Doberman Pinscher Rottweiler Saint Bernard
Working Group Komondor Akita Great Dane Mastiff
Terrier Group Airdale West Highland White Terrier Kerry Blue Terrier American Staffordshire Terrier
Terrier Group Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Parson Russell Terrier Jack Russell Terrier Smooth Fox Terrier Wire Fox Terrier
Terrier Group Bull Terrier Miniature Schnauzer Scottish Terrier Bedlington Terrier
Toy Group Pekingese Chinese Crested Yorkshire Terrier Silky Terrier
Toy Group Chihuahua Miniature PinscherPomeranian Toy Fox Terrier
Toy Group Pug Italian Greyhound Papillion Shih-tzu
Non-Sporting Group Dalmatian Chow Poodle (Standard) Shiba Inu
Non-Sporting Group Bichon Frise Shar Pei Boston Terrier Lhasa Apso
Hound Group Saluki Afghan Irish Wolfhound Borzoi
Hound Group Greyhound Dachshund Whippet Beagle
Hound Group Bloodhound Basset Hound Basenji Rhodesian Ridgeback
Sporting Group Pointer German Wire Haired Pointer Irish Setter Gordon Setter
Sporting Group English Setter Weimaraner Vizsla Flat Coat Retriever
Sporting Group Golden Retriever Labrador Retriever Chesapeake Bay Retriever Curly Coated Retriever
Sporting Group Clumber SpanielEnglish Springer Spaniel English Cocker Spaniel American Cocker Spaniel