Fourth Grade GPS S4L2b
Endangered - Any species that is in danger of becoming extinct and needs protection in order to survive. Threatened - Any species that is likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future if it is not protected. Extinct - A species that is no longer living.
Habitat Destruction Habitat Destruction Pollution Pollution Hunting Hunting Invasive Species Invasive Species
Probably the most important factor that contributes to species endangerment. Many animals depend on forests, wetlands, and other environmental factors for food, shelter, and protection. Some ways that humans use land and the environment can be very harmful to many animals.
Animals affected by habitat destruction include: Back to Human Contributions Panda Mountain Gorilla Lemur
Pollution can damage an animal’s habitat. It can also cause animals to become very sick, or even kill them. Pollution come from many different sources, including: cars, pesticides, and fertilizers. Animals that are not directly exposed are also affected by pollution because depend on affected animals for food.
Animals affected by pollution include: Back to Human Contributions California Condor Hawksbill Turtle
Some humans hunt animals for food, while other hunt animals as a sport. Some animals are hunted because they have certain characteristics that humans consider valuable, such as their fur or hide.
Animals affected by hunting include: Back to Human Contributions ElephantPythonSnow Leopard
A plant or animal that is introduced to a new environment that is not considered to be its natural environment. Humans have intentionally and unintentionally introduced invasive species into new environments. Invasive species threaten native plants and animals, as well as human activity.
Types of invasive species: Back to Human Contributions Feral PigShip Rat European Rabbit
We must do our part in protecting endangered species. What can you do to help?