Current and Future Impact of Nanotechnology Allan Fluharty, RET Fellow 2010 Science Teacher, Chicago Public Schools RET Mentor: Professor Thomas L. Theis, Institute for Environmental Science and Policy Chicago Science Teacher Research (CSTR) Program – NSF CBET EEC Spectacular Growth in the Nano-Market Introduction Conclusions What is Nanotechnology? Results: Projections of the Future of Nanotechnology Acknowledgements: Motivation There are currently over 1015 products that include nano-particle ingredients, a fact unknown to the general public. These include nano- particles of titanium dioxide, cerium dioxide, silver, iron, quantum dots, and carbon nanotubes. Over the last five years, the annual growth of nanoproducts has averaged 470 percent, a trend likely to continue due to the desirable properties that nano-ingredients give to products. At present there are there is little information related to the market adoption of nanomaterials into consumer products. However, it is vital to estimate consumption trends of nanomaterials in order to determine and predict their associated economical, health, social, and environmental impacts. Research Objectives 1.Determine present and forecast future production volumes of nanomaterials. 2.Determine present and forecast and forecast future embodied energies—cradle to gate manufacturing energy—of nanomaterials. 3.Compare the present and forecast production and embodied energies of nanomaterials currently produced products such as steel and aluminum. In The Royal Academy of Engineering’s 2004 report, “Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies: Opportunities and Uncertainties,” projected worldwide production of nanomaterials at 10 4 to 10 5 metric tons per annum for the years 2011 to 1020 (p. 27). Six years on, my forecast matches this fairly closely, rising from 0.2 metric tons in 2011 to 4.5 metric tons in 2025 This is the first research to forecast the total annual production of nanomaterials into the near-term future. The projections show that a large amount of energy will be devoted to the production of carbon nanotube material, on the order of that used to product steel and aluminum. This could be a limiting factor in the production of carbon nanotube materials. The embodied energies needed to produce several nanomaterials converge to the same amount needed for aluminum production. Nanomaterials are being produced at an increasing rate. This research provides an estimate of the energy that will be needed to manufacture these materials into the near-term future. However, there is a strong likelihood that nanotechnology will make the production of energy more efficient and promote the use of non-fossil fuel forms of energy. The average research scientist involved in nanotechnology has not thought about the potential global energy signature of particular nanomaterials. The information provide by this report is useful in performing Life Cycle Assessments, which can guide and inform is public and private policy decisions. University of Illinois at Chicago College of Engineering Reference: Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, an initiative to help business, government and the public anticipate and manage possible health and environmental implications of nanotechnology. Websites: Despite the rapid uptake and major impacts that nanotechnology is going to have, the general public knows little about it. The risk is that the public may react to the rapid proliferation of nanotechnology the way they reacted to GM (genetically modified) crops: A consumer backlash against nanoproducts would be understandable if product developers and government regulators do not aligned the introduction of nanotechnology with public needs or values (Cormick, C., 2009). What is Nanotechnology? It is the design, characterization, production, and application of structures, devices, and systems by controlled manipulation of size and shape at the nanometer scale (atomic, molecular, and macromolecular scale) that produces structures, devices, and systems with at least one novel/superior characteristic or property ( Human hair fragment and a network of single- walled carbon nanotubes (Image: Jirka Cech) Nanotechnology Applications ( Current Cosmetics: nano-titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are used in some sunscreens to absorb and reflect UV rays and yet are transparent to visible light Composites: carbon nanotubes are used in polymers to control or enhance conductivity, with applications such as antistatic packaging Clay composites: nano-sized flakes of clay find used to improve car bumpers Coatings: optoelectonic devices, catalytically active and chemically functionalized surfaces, self- cleaning windows, scratch-resistant coatings, breathable, waterproof and stain resistant fabrics Short-term (next 5 years) Thinner paint coatings that are fouling resistant, paints that change color in response to change in temperature or chemical environment, or paints that reduce heat loss Remediation: nanoparticles react with pollutants in soil and groundwater and transform them into harmless compounds Fuel Cells: nano-engineered membranes to enable higher-efficiency, small-scale fuel cells Displays: improved flat-panel displays using nanocrystalline zinc selenide, zinc sulphide, cadmium sulphide and lead telluride Batteries: nanocrystalline nickel and metal hydrides require less frequent recharging Fuel Additives: nanoparticulate cerium oxide improves fuel economy of diesel fuel Catalysts: high surface area of nanoparticles enhance catalytic activity Longer-term (next 5-15 years) Carbon nanotubes have exceptional mechanical properties, particularly high tensile strength and light weight Lubricants: Nanospheres could be used as lubricants by acting as nanosized ‘ball bearings’. Magnetic Materials: improved motors, analytical instruments, microsensors, and data storage Medical Implants: Nanocrystalline materials are wear resistant, bio-corrosion resistant and bio- compatible. Machinable Ceramics: Ceramics are hard, brittle and difficult to machine. However, with a reduction in grain size to the nanoscale, ceramic ductility can be increased. Military Battle Suits: energy-absorbing materials that will withstand blast waves; incorporation of sensors to detect or respond to chemical and biological weapons Professor Thomas L. Theis, Director The Institute for Environmental Science and Policy Professor Andreas A Linninger, Director Seon Kim, PhD Candidate Chicago Science Teacher Research Program, RET 2010 NSF CBET EEC Definition: Embodied energy (sometimes referred to as embedded energy) accounts for all the energy required to requisite necessary make a material. If we have available energy, we may maintain life and produce every material. That is why the flow of energy should be the primary concern of economics (Soddy, 1933).