Welcome to HanakoLand A Theme Park by Sean Bouchard
Background - Hanako Games Time-management RPGs and branching narratives Anime aesthetic Characters and themes cater to a Y.A., female audience Different endings for different choices, play styles
Park Map
The HanakoLand Experience Similar anime aesthetic Familiar characters and locations Family-friendly environment Wide variety of park activities Overarching gameplay
Types of Park Activities Shows o Performances o Lessons Rides o Roller coasters o Carnival rides o Dark rides Games o Carnival games o Interactive video o Karaoke
Overarching Gameplay Time-management RPG Each visitor has a set of skills Skills change based on the activities the player visits o Strength o Courage o Mind o Luck o Charm o Cooking o Taming o Magic
Technology Each visitor receives an RFID card Scanned when o Entering areas o Boarding rides o Making purchases
Examples of Activities Buskers' Karaoke Hall o Improves Charm, Courage o Reduces Strength The Galley Restaurant o Improves Cooking, Strength o Reduces Charm The Market Fantasy Jewelery o Improves Magic Ballroom Dancing Lessons o Improves Mind, Charm o Reduces Strength
Activity: Heileen's Adventure Branching dark ride Based on characters and events from Heileen Seafaring adventure Series of decorated, animated scenes Multilinear o Path determined by skills
Activity: Fortune Teller Stations at the park exit High quality print-out Based on ending skills Dozens of destiny stories Prizes o High scores, special conditions o Discount coupons, promotional merchandise