Installation and Commissioning Planning Leslie Camilleri Calorimeter Commissioning Meeting 5 th September 2006
Overall Planning Overall infrastructure Installation C-side: Priority. Installation A-side Commissioning before beams Commissioning with beams 2007 and … Many tasks have no date or length attached to them. In particular A-side installation. We will learn more about duration of VFE-FE cabling tasks with PS Top cabling. Links have to be established carefully.
Specific issues PS/SPD PS needs 25 more trigger cables installed on detector. Access. PS and SPD need light tightening with Kevlar/Al foils(?). Access. During SPD/PS cooling work? Request to check light tightness before VFE installation. PS/SPD cable tray material not long enough. Welding? Delay? Before VFE-FE cabling: Lower SPD/Guidance, alignment, cooling, RICH 2 platform for cable reel storage. Is presence of racks on ECAL platform compatible with VFE-FE cabling? Yes, maybe move ECAL from time to time. LED control drivers under development. Start manufacturing: January Need to design and build mechanical support for radioactive source spectrometer for checking SPD/PRS in situ. Detector access for cooling installation? Cooling circuits and distribution from Main to detector: Who? When? How long? Manifold location?
PS/SPD cabling sequence Sequence: C-side PS TOP, PS BOT, SPD TOP, SPD BOT, then A-side Receive cable tray material: end of September. Assemble into required lengths. Connect to distribution cooling pipes before( or during) installation. Install fixture (“potence”) for supporting PS cable chain. Install water retaining trough and racks on ECAL platform. Install ECAL gallery. PS cooling installation requires: PS closed, and ECAL and (maybe) HCAL open. for access to PS. If HCAL needs to be moved, this operation must wait end of ECAL cable (PMT end) repairs. Install “passerelle” between two ECAL arrays for access to PS. (Muon group design). Approval by safety. Also ladders or scaffolding for bottom boxes. Install cooling inside SM boxes. Install distribution to these boxes along TOP and BOT, maybe already connected to cable trays or after cable tray installation. Install lateral distribution TOP to BOT connecting pipe. Test for leaks with gas system. SPD cooling installation requires: SPD open, and PS, ECAL closed. Cooling installation: 1 week per half detector after infrastructure in place.
RICH2 platform installation. Cable reels must be ready by then. Chariot and rails for PS cable chain installed. Pull cables from TOP PS to storage 1 on RICH platform. Install Cable chain for PS. TOP PS cables through cable chain to storage 2. BOT PS cables to storage 1. Then, through cable chain to storage 2. Move cable chain. Storage 2 to ECAL platform. Repeat for SPD.
Specific ECAL/HCAL issues ADC cables repairs finished ~end of September/beg. October. ECAL PMT end repairs CRYO side finished end of September. Extra person as of mid-September. A-side? HCAL radioactive source safety approval and commissioning. HCAL integrators, Pin diode/LED blocks installation. ECAL racks need water leak testing before installation. Pressure? Flow? Little info available from Wiener. Installation of remaining back planes for A-side end of September. Sequence: PS cable chain support, Retaining “bac”, racks, gallery. Do we install available FE cards in 156 or on platform? Schedule of testing of FE on platform: Interference with VFE-FE cabling? Should we start testing with racks on A-side while C-side is being cabled? Temporary power and cooling availability on platform? Any need for a PC ? When do we need CRACK? TELL1 availability for CRACK? Firmware? Suggestion: Form a little group to plan the CRACK and TELL1 tests.
Debugging, testing ECS control of electronics, HV, etc…. Data bases: Calo specific and configuration. Later conditions. DAQ: TELL1 firmware. Beyond TELL1? Farm? Software ?
Cabling Cables patch panel to fixed point, fixed point to platforms. Procedure? Manpower? Connectors?