Parkside M.S. Announcements Wednesday February 11, 2015 Panther Day
Rachel’s First 5: Wednesday (Ethical question or scenario)- Is it fair that some people are richer than others? Or does it make it okay if they worked hard for what they have?
Black History Month The Answer is: Robert Griffin, III
Black History Month Question of the Day Week 2, Wednesday 2/11/15 I have toasted the ESPY Awards and Saturday Night Live. I have played for 2 NBA teams. I have won 2 NBA Most Valuable Player Awards and 2 NBA Finals MVP Awards Who am I?
Fiddler on the Roof has rehearsal today! Full Cast Fiddler on the Roof has rehearsal today! Fiddler on the Roof has rehearsal today! Fiddler on the Roof has rehearsal today!
Jeans 4 Teens Any one who donated jeans may see Mr. Nicholas for a gift. He is in room 424.
Robotics Robotics for this week is cancelled. Robotics will meet next Thursday 2/19/2015 after school in Room # 902
NJHS Club NJHS Club is cancelled this week.
PARKSIDE MS 7 TH GRADE FORMAL DANCE Friday, March 6, :00 – 9:00 P.M. Doors Open at 6:30 P.M. Refreshments Ballroom Dance Lessons - RUMBA Dancing/Demonstrations
Attention All Students: Your American Heart Association Collection Envelopes are due to Mrs. Pierce by the end of the week.
Bus Lane C
Bus Lane B
Bus Lane A