Choices and Consequences By Austin Aufdermauer
You going to play basketball down by the park with your friends. Your friends want to go to a party instead. Stay and play basketball with just bob Go to the party with friends Walk back to your house Suggest everyone stay and play basketball
You and bob play basketball for 1 hour. You and bob need a ride so bob calls his brother who shows up drunk. Go with bob and his brother Walk home
You go home with bob and his brother you make it home fine but your parents are mad at you. Go Back
You decide to walk home bob goes with his brother you hear on the news the next morning that he was killed in a car accident. Go back
You go to the party and drink a lot your friend wants to drive you to his house. Go with himWalk home
You go with your friend to his house. As the car is pulling into the driveway a car hits you. All your friends die, and you are paralyzed for life. Go Back
You decide to walk home. Your friends decide it is a stupid idea to drive they walk home to. You all make it home safely. Go Back
You and bob are walking home when you pass a different party bob decides to go in. Continue homeFollow him
You continue walking home. At school you hear bob is paralyzed after he got hit by a car. Go Back
You follow bob in to the party. You have a couple of beers and the cops show up. You get busted for underage drinking. Go Back
You play a good game of basketball and as you are walking home one of your friends wants you to steal beer from a local liquor store. Steal the beer Tell them you got beer at home
You attempt to steal the beer the cashier notices you and calls the cops. You are sentenced to 50 hours of community service. Go Back
You say you got beer at home. As you are drinking your dad catches you and you are grounded for 6 months. Go Back