Benchmark 8 Lubricants in SILDRIL System SILDRIL System Steve Smith
Summary Samples tested: 3 new samples & 5 previously used products. FTIR & GC/MS: general class and more specific chemistry. AEL on HLT: 1 & 3% v/v (75F) & 3% v/v, AHR F, for ∆% CoF.
Definitions ∆% CoF: percent reduction in coefficient of friction, a simple variance. [Cf Base Fluid – (Cf BF + Lube)] = ∆% CoF Cf Base Fluid
Lubricant Candidates TradenameManufacturer/ Supplier Database ClassificationComments Geolube BLHoughtonAlkanolaminesAmber Liquid DHM 07-24HoughtonHigh Molecular EstersDark Brown Liquid Geolube WBHoughtonAlkanolamidesDark Brown Liquid BW PolylubeJ.L. Seaton & Co Ltd High Molecular EstersLight-Yellow, Clear Liq. Finagreen SLOleon/ Radia Chemicals Amino Condensate, Amides & Alkanolamides Dark Amber Liquid SILDRIL EPLGumpro ChemHigh Molecular EstersDark Reddish Liquid DRIL-FREELamberti ItalyEster of Aliphatic AcidLight-Yellow, Clear Liq. FLO-LUBE IIPrecision AdditivesProprietary blend + Sulfur Dark Amber Liquid
Base Fluid Formulation Fluid Formulation1 Freshwater, bbls0.768 POLYPAC UL, ppb2.0 DUO VIS, ppb0.75 KCl, 8% by Wt, ppb23.4 SILDRIL, 8% by Vol, ppb42.8 Barite, ppb Mud PropertiesInitialAged Heat Aging Temp, °F 110 Heat Aging Hours >1 Static/Rolling/Silverson Silverson Mud Weight, ppg12.0 Rheo Temp, °F rpm rpm rpm rpm15 6 rpm55 3 rpm44 PV, cps14 YP, lb/100ft sec gel44 10 min gel44 API Filtrate, ml pH
Mud Properties, AHR Mud Properties Geolube BLDHM 07-24Geolube WBPolylubeFinagreen SLSildril EPL Heat Aging Temp, °F150 Heat Aging Hours16 Static/RollingRolling Mud Weight, ppg12.0 Rheo Temp, °F rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm PV, cps YP, lb/100ft sec gel min gel API Filtrate, ml pH
Check for Sulfides Picture to left was the equipment set-up used for the determination of sulfides in samples with candidate lubricants. A tygon tube was attached to valve stem and a low range Dräger tube was inserted in the other.
% Reduction CoF, Results
3% v/v 150F
Geolube BL, Results
Average CoF Readings