Click to edit Master subtitle style 8/12/10 Passenger Transport Forum Issues for Glenorchy and Kingborough Areas November 3 &
8/12/10 Transport disadvantage Affordable housing, better subdivision and neighbourhood design needed Alternatives to car transport needed (see park and ride, cycle paths,passenger rail) Tasmania’s ageing population is shrinking the average household size, increasing off peak travel and people shopping and using local service centres Glenorchy has had strong residential growth in suburbs including Granton and Austin’s Ferry
8/12/10 Local hub The Southern Tasmanian region cannot accomodate unrestrained growth in car use (Draft southern integrated transport plan 2009 DIER) Need for a shift to other transport modes Better land use planning and travel demand measures needed to reduce car trips and distances travelled Highly dispersed small population in region Mount Wellington and Derwent River shut in transport links and alignment restricting location of arterial roads through central Hobart Urban Passenger Transport Study (DIER) due in April 2009 Extent of road network with high maintainence and budgetary limits has seen preference for managing the existing system rather than new construction-is this about to change? Under investment in rail to carry bulk freight has seen roads carry more of its share than in other States (see New South Wales :40% on rail by 2013)
8/12/10 Local passenger movement patterns * Metropolitan Passenger Movement Patterns ( DIER 2003)
8/12/10 Kingboroug h and huon valley * The Southern Outlet has less traffic than the Brooker Highway but provides a major link to southern municipalities and the rest of the region
8/12/10 Traffic flows forecast Freight and passenger traffic mix particularly on the Brooker Highway and Southern Outlet as road is the dominant mode for both freight and passenger transport in Tasmania. Only 25% of Tasmania’s total freight goes by rail. The Midland Highway carries over 2.4 million tonnes a year.
8/12/10 Peak traffic flow * Major Southern Arterial Roads (DIER 2007)