The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April The UK Schools Computer Animation Competition Toby Howard and Graham Gough School of Computer Science The University of Manchester
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April Purpose of the competition To enthuse UK schoolchildren about Computer Science To counter ICT is boring To introduce Computer Science concepts To have a long-term benefit for recruitment To offer teachers a new activity In 2008, to support the Digital 60 celebrations
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April Scope of the 2009 competition Open to all UK schoolchildren Create animated film (maximum 1 minute) Ages groups: 7-11 (KS2), (KS3) (KS3), 16+ Film should be linked to taught curriculum Use Alice, Scratch or Flash Prizes: laptops, iPods, vouchers, certificates
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April Alice (free from Carnegie-Mellon)
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April Scratch (free from MIT)
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April The 2008 Competition Funded by EPSRC Portfolio Grant Partners: MOSI, IBM, Navis, Transitive January – May 2008 Alice only (not Scratch or Flash) 420 schools registered 55 schools submitted 220 entries Prizegiving day at University
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April winning entries from 20 schools 400 children from 30 schools attended Digital 60 Day The 2008 Competition
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester 8
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April 20099
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester 13
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester 14
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester 15
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester 16
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester 17
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April The 2009 Competition Funded by EPSRC PE Grant Partners: Electronic Arts, MOSI January – May schools registered 64+ schools submitted 243+ entries Prizegiving day at MOSI
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April Competition management Web-based registration and submission All competition documentation on the web: Rules & FAQ Downloadable promo materials (posters, flyers) Links to 2008 winners galleries Teachers Forums (using free phpBB) Bespoke management system: MySQL, Perl, PHP
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April Animation09 homepage
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April Internal management
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April Competition marketing to individual schools (spam!) Media Releases (through University Press Office) Publicity through partners and interested parties: City Learning Centres ( NAACE ( cs4fn ( SSSAT ( Becta ( STEM (
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April Resources Budget: £25K Marketing: £9K (posters, flyers, mailings, T-shirts, professional design) Awards ceremony: £7K Prizes: £7K Travel: £1K External Judges expenses: £1K Note: staff time not costed! Estimate of staff effort: 500 person-days
The University of Manchester The University of Manchester CPHC Workshop, April The project team Amanda Banks Ros Cooper Graham Gough Toby Howard (Chair) Chris Page Stuart Anderson Alexandra Walker Bernard Strutt Rina Srabonian