C HAPTER 6 E ssay A ssessment: Subjective and Powerful
Why Use Essay Assessments? Can be used to assess complex and sophisticated achievement targets. Relatively time- and energy-efficient for teacher to develop. Can be used as teaching tools to improve learning.
3 Steps in Essay Assessments Assessment Planning Exercise Development Scoring Preparation
Context Factors In The Use of Essay Assessments The respondents' level of writing proficiency The availability of already developed essay exercises The number of students to be evaluated The number of exercises needed to sample and the length of responses to be read and scored The amount of person time available to read and evaluate responses
Quality Essay Exercises Do Three Things Specify the knowledge students are supposed to command in preparing a response. Specify the kind(s) of reasoning or problem solving respondents are to carry out. –Be clear about what respondents are to write about. Point the direction to an appropriate response without giving away the answer. –Good exercises literally list the key elements of a good response without cueing the unprepared examinee on how to succeed.
Questions to Consider When Devising Essay Exercises Do exercises call for brief, focused responses? Are they written at the lowest possible reading level? Do you have the confidence that qualified experts in the field would agree with your definition of a sound response? Would the ingredients in your scoring criteria be obvious to good students? Have you presented one set of exercises to all respondents?
Problems To Avoid With Essay Assessment Lack of target clarity –Underlying knowledge unclear –Patterns of reasoning unspecified Wrong target for essay Lack of writing proficiency on part of respondents Inadequate sample of exercises Poor-quality exercises Poor-quality scoring –Inappropriate criteria -- Unclear criteria –Insufficient time to read & rate -- Untrained rater
Developing Scoring Procedures The Checklist The Rating Scale
Guidelines for Essay Scoring Set realistic expectations & performance standards. Check scoring guides against a few real responses to see if any last-minute adjustments are needed. Refer back to scoring guidelines regularly during scoring (consistency). Score ALL responses to one exercise before moving on to the next exercise (consistency & time). Score all responses to one exercise in ONE sitting without interruption.
Guidelines for Essay Scoring Evaluate responses separately for matters of content and matters of form. Provide feedback in the form of points and written commentary if possible. Keep the identity of the respondent anonymous when scoring (if possible). Try to have 2 independent qualified readers score the papers.