A CTION P LAN Farhana Naz SKBZ College Phase - VI
L ONG - TERM G OAL Familiarise small kids with basic knowledge of alphabets in english,urdu and counting tables.
S HORT - TERM G OAL Focus on child learning alphabet through playing material. Make the children understand different colors with names. Familiarise child with objects of common use.
I NSTRUCTIONAL S TRATEGIES AND T ASKS I will provide more opportunities for students to answer questions. I will use children rhymes for their interest. I will ask questions that require students to explain how they came to an answer. I will encourage child to recognise new items/words in the rhymes.
S OLUTION AND A NTICIPATED C HALLENGES A. The incharge may not agree with my new approach. B. Parents may not understand my methods. C. Two an a half year child is very innocent and may not accept any teaching approach. A. I will incorporate her ideas. B. Parents will be made to understand the methods. C. I will use motherly facts for each children. CHALLENGESSOLUTIONS
Given to Sara Khan For sharing her good ideas and information with others. By Mrs.Farhana Naz DA SKBZ college July 21,2011
T IMELINE Focus on child learning alphabet through playing material. Make the children understand different colors with names. Familiarise child with objects of common use. Use children rhymes for their interest.
R ESOURCES Standard Montessori material. Home made charts. Printed Charts/Figures/Photos available on internet/market.
C ONCLUSION Since my students are maximum two an a half year old, I will achieve my initial long-term goal with constant and repeated lessons.