The 2015 AP U.S. History Exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes in length. There are two sections. Section I is 1 hour, 40 minutes and consists of 55 multiple-choice questions accounting for 40 percent of the final score and 4 short-answer questions accounting for 20 percent of the final score. Section II is 1 hour, 35 minutes and consists of 1 document-based question and 2 long-essay questions. Students can choose which of the two long-essay questions they respond to. It begins with a 15-minute reading period to read the questions and plan your answers. The remaining 1 hour and 20 minutes is for writing.
Section I Stimulus Multiple Choice (40%): 55 questions. 1.Read carefully. 2.Do not over analyze. Short Response (20%): 4 questions. 10 mins per question. 1.Separate into sections. Answer ALL three parts 2.Select, Support, Refute. 3.Identity, Work exchange and technology, peopling, politics, America and the World, Environment and Geo and Ideas, beliefs and culture.
Section II DBQ (25%) You will be given 6-7 docs. Use all but 1. 2.You will get 55 mins… spend 15 mins planning. 40 mins writing. 3.Create a thesis that directly answers the question AND carefully assess the documents. 4.You must provide sustained O.I and be sure you parenthetically cite your documents. (Do not directly quote) 5.Last, for full credit, connect to a broader event. Ex. Similar to Americas foreign policy after the Spanish American War… the U.S under Monroe was….
Appropriate Use of Historical “Lenses ” “H.A.P.P.Y” You only have to use ONE of the “analytical lenses” per doc. Yes you can use the same lens for each doc and yes you can alternate. Do not quote directly. Paraphrase and refer to your docs parenthetically at the end of your sentences. Ex. Blah blah blah (Doc A) In addition, do not openly refer to docs. (Ex. According to doc A, Doc A says etc.) Use all docs, (but one) and you must have sustained outside information.
Section II Continued Long Essays: Support, modify or refute. Need specific evidence. 1.Pick the question you feel most comfortable with. 2.Thesis that specifically and clearly supports, modifies or refutes. 3.Gather your evidence and organize it. Outline or list all events, dates etc that support your thesis.