West Nile Virus Colin Bentley, Nick Agnone
What is the west Nile virus? The west Nile virus is a microscopic organism that has causes outbreaks of deadly disease in Uganda. This disease is viral. Originated from birds. You know you have it when your starting to have flu like symptoms( headache and high fever).
Diagrams These diagrams show what transmits the disease and what it looks like. The flow chart shows how the disease is spread.
What are the symptoms? They are flu like symptoms, such as diarrhea, fever, headache, muscle ache, nausea, sore throat, and vomiting. Some of these symptoms are only seen in 1% of people.
How it is spread? The disease is not spread by humans but by mosquitoes. The disease is gathered by the mosquito when it bites a infected bird. The infected mosquito now bites a human infecting them. This process occurs several times.
History of West Nile Virus The west Nile virus originated in Uganda In birds. Found in 1937 In 1999 the disease was seen in the US Carried by dead birds across the Atlantic The mosquitoes bit the dead birds
Who is most susceptible to it? Africans in Uganda are most likely to get the disease Since they live by The diseases source they have the best chance Some Americans can get it since it came across the Atlantic in 1999
Works Cited / / m.kidshealth.org/parent/firstaid_safe/outdoo r/west_nile.html Worldbook Encyclopedia