Welcome to Creative Web Design You will soon be creating your first web page.
What’s behind the web page?
Behind every web page is computer code. What’s behind the web page?
Computer Programming is uses a separate language you must learn to speak. What’s behind the web page?
Element An element is any object or item in a web page. Pictures, text, lines, etc. all of these can be elements. Learn some words in computer language:
“tags.”Elements are separated by “tags.” Mr. Millendez’s Page Element Learn some words in computer language: tags
“tags.”Elements are separated by “tags.” My Web Page Element Learn some words in computer language: You cant see the tags on the web page because they have: >< These Things
My New Web Page Element Learn some words in computer language: <title></title> The web browser knows not to show the stuff inside the
Elements The “tag” is the code on either side of the content. Tags should be lower case letters. There are many different kinds of “tags” you will see and be working with soon. My Page
Review: Element: Tag: A part of a web page. Computer code surrounding the element. Parts on the outsides of the tags (that’s how you know it’s a tag…)