How Community Colleges Can Use Real-Time Labor Market Data to Deliver Quality, Value and Success Stephen J. Lynch Director of Workforce & Economic Development, Burning Glass Technologies
Burning Glass Overview (5 mins.) Session agenda Burning Glass Overview (5 mins.) Align Education and Training with Employer Demand (15 mins.) Empower and Guide Students (15 mins.) Deepen Employer Engagement (10 mins.) Q&A and Discussion (15 mins.)
International authority on the demand and supply of talent Burning Glass Helping match talent with opportunity International authority on the demand and supply of talent Collecting and analyzing millions of jobs and careers and then translating them into a common vocabulary. By putting everything into the same language, we can discern patterns within careers, workforces, and the job market. Our insight into the labor market enables us to: Make more effective connections between employers and job seekers offering both sides tools to negotiate the market. Provided educators and policy makers with the detailed intelligence they need to close skill gaps and be more effective workforce intermediaries.
Research Organizations Burning Glass Work across the education & training landscape Recruitment Industry Employers Research Organizations Higher Education Government
Track job market trends in real-time (analyze within 3 days of posted) Burning Glass Advantages of Job Postings Over Traditional LMI Traditional LMI is designed to analyze broad macroeconomic trends. Job postings data offers a far more granular and real-time view o f the market. Specific opportunities and advantages include: Track job market trends in real-time (analyze within 3 days of posted) Determine which jobs and skills are hardest for employers to fill Track data for specific industries and employers Highlight emerging job types not classified in other taxonomies (e.g. Data Scientist) Measure the specific skills required for each job, how skills have changed over time, and differences across industry Determine which credentials employers specifically value
Alignment with employer demand Using data to develop, enhance and maintain education and training programs Quantify Opportunity Target Skills & Competencies Quality Credentials New and Emerging Trends
Alignment with employer demand Quantify opportunity via environmental scan of employer demand
Alignment with employer demand Target training towards skills and competencies as opposed to training to titles
Alignment with employer demand Achieve a deeper understanding of skill gaps
Alignment with employer demand Evaluate the quality and value of credentials What are employers asking for? Is there evidence to support challenging employer demand & hiring behavior? Quality credentials Quality of credential design vs. labor market value credential
Alignment with employer demand Quality of credentials (continued) Certification requirements are more common in cybersecurity roles than in IT generally. 44% of all cybersecurity positions in MA request at least one of the certifications listed below. 11% of all IT positions in MA request a certification of any kind.
Alignment with employer demand Track new and emerging trends to identify opportunities for new program development
Empower and Guide Students Using data to help bridge the information gap Continuous Service vs. Points in Time Exploring Careers Educational Pathways and Choices for Individual Students Promoting Career Attainment
Empower and Guide Students Everybody needs a map What might be a good fit for me? Who wants what I can do? What does this lead to? Where can I get experience?
Empower and Guide Students How do I get to the career I am interested in?
Empower and Guide Students Customized pathways with specific increments
Empower and Guide Students Show the threshold Skills & Competencies
Deepen Employer Engagement Using data to partner more effectively with employers Know Who Is Not at Your Table, and Why It Matters Do Your Homework and Learn a New Language Increase Work Attachments Be a Preferred Provider
Deepen Employer Engagement Sample of Denver Employers Seeking Talent with Web Design Skills
Deepen Employer Engagement Know their Needs in their language
Deepen Employer Engagement Can you develop work attachments? How many?
Deepen Employer Engagement Some lessons from Burning Glass Analytics
Director of Workforce & Economic Development Services Questions or Follow up Contact: Stephen J. Lynch Director of Workforce & Economic Development Services Burning Glass Technologies 617-227-4800 (office) 508-847-7776 (cel)