Insider Threat Toronto 22 February 2006
w w w. e l y t r a. c o m Problem Statement Insider Person that works inside an organization –Employees –Permanent –Temporary –Co-op –Contractors –Partners –Support Personnel
w w w. e l y t r a. c o m Problem Statement The Threat There is a lot of evil PEOPLE out there and they all want to get us If they are out there we are OK Inside, Security for Real Dummies by Dilbert
w w w. e l y t r a. c o m The Reasonable Threat:People Glory Seeker Vendetta: Disgruntled Employees and Others The Curious and the Incompetent The Greedy Management
w w w. e l y t r a. c o m The Carl Bond School of Management
w w w. e l y t r a. c o m Threat Threats are meaningless until they are qualified as risks We know what the story is, why do we care? –Money –Time –Bandwidth –Image
w w w. e l y t r a. c o m Back to the Problem and the Solutions Know the What and Why Know your assets –Network structure, its components –The geography of your organization –The nature of the Data and its value –Know the operational and processing needs –Know the your legal requirements (PIPEDA, SOX,….)
w w w. e l y t r a. c o m You Will Need to Succeed Know your Governance structure and GET MANAGEMENT BUY-IN WHY –You will need their Money –You will need their Support and, –Most of all you will need somebody to wear the unpopular decisions
w w w. e l y t r a. c o m Now you are Ready for Action Establish a Usage Policy and publish it Start working on the basics while you attack your high risk areas Use your account management and networking tool to organize data access Insure logging and proper log review Introduce proper entry and departing processes for employees Insure that standard security measure are in place
w w w. e l y t r a. c o m Get more technical Introduce data protection for traveling staff Encryption OTP token Introduce end point controls (USB,FW, drives…) If you have the money, deploy tracking and profiling tools
w w w. e l y t r a. c o m Be in the loop Don’t let your MANAGEMENT leave you behind Track the tricks of the trade
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w w w. e l y t r a. c o m Take the 1 st Step!! Download the Safend Auditor at: Auditor performs a client-less scan of your selected domain and generates a report indicating what is connected today to the scanned PC(s) – or has been in the past! »Its Free!
Thanks You for Attending! Carl Bond Paul Vaillant