7 th Grade Chapter 1 & 2
Choice1Choice 2Choice 3Choice
Row 1, Col 1 The mystery of one God in three persons is called Trinity
1,2 means “God is with us” Emmanuel
1,3 mystery of God becoming human Incarnation
1,4 Jesus’ name mean God saves
2,1 Type the answer for 2,1 here. (Type the question for 2,1 here.)?
2,2 “Abba” is closest in meaning to the English word Dad
2,3 suffering, death, Resurrection, and Ascensions of Jesus Paschal Mystery
2,4 Jesus is the Christ, which means he is. The Messiah
3,1 We celebrate the Paschal Mystery Eucharist
3,2 A gift from God to believe and trust when we do not understand Faith
3,3 written testimony of faith of the early Church Scripture
3,4 best way to be a good friend to Jesus Love others as Jesus loves us
4,1 Type the answer for 4,1 here. (Type the question for 4,1 here.)?
4,2 truth handed down by the Church from the time of the apostles Tradition
4,3 Jesus gave us this to keep us in touch with Scripture, Tradition, and faith-filled people. Sacraments
4,4 never-ending life after death with God Eternal life
5,1 Jesus rescued the human race refers to Him as Savior
5,2 Type the answer for 5,2 here. (Type the question for 5,2 here.)?
5,3 Type the answer for 5,3 here. (Type the question for 5,3 here.)?
5,4 Type the answer for 5,4 here. (Type the question for 5,4 here.)?