DCD Staff Presentation to Clallam County Planning Commission October 21, 2009 Work Session Proposed new County Parks and Recreation Zoning District
Goals: 1. Eliminate need for CUP for most park and recreation related development in county- managed park and recreation sites. a. CUP still required for uses that could, unless designed appropriately, have significant impact on neighboring lands. b. List of Allowed and Conditional uses was prepared by Public Works.
Goals: 2.Tie zoning code provisions directly to County’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan. a.Master Plan prepared with public input (Park Board; public hearings) and approved by BOCC. b.Project inclusion in Master Plan would satisfy first three CUP criteria. b.CUP review would be limited to project design.
Goals: 3.Clarify BOCC’s role. a.BOCC significantly involved in park planning (public hearings and approval of Master Plan and funding). b.To address BOCC conflict concerns, DCD recommends removing BOCC from any Hearing Examiner appeals related to park projects. i.According to prosecuting attorney, no “legal conflict” and “appearance of conflict” could be addressed by disclosing involvement. ii.BOCC could decide to remain within appeal process.
Goals: 4.Rezone all County-managed parks and recreation sites to new zoning designation. a.Currently in a variety of zoning designations. b.New acquisitions would have to go through rezone process.
Rezone criteria: Six criteria, listed at CCC and CCC , and p. 4 of Memo. Project must meet all six criteria.
Rezone criteria: (1) The proposed amendment establishes development regulations that implement the Master Plan consistent with County capital facility budgets and other elements of the Comprehensive Plan. (2) The proposed amendment specifically links to the County Park and Recreation Master Plan, which constitutes part of the County’s Capital Facilities Plan.
Rezone criteria: (3) The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare. (4) The proposed amendment is necessary to distinguish the County’s park and recreation lands from other public lands, and to link improvements to the County’s park and recreation lands to the County’s Park and Recreation Master Plan.
Rezone criteria: (5) The proposed amendment will not result in probably significant adverse impacts to public facilities and services and will not place uncompensated burdens upon existing and planned services. (6) The last item refers to all proposed amendments for 2009.