A Read-a-thon is a great way to raise money because 100% of the money raised goes back to our school! Read-a-thon We are having a Read-a-thon …
School Goal – Our goal is to raise… Read-a-thon We are having a Read-a-thon …
Set a Class Goal (example)… How it works…
STUDENT GOAL - $25 How do you reach that goal? Mom donates - $5.00 Dad donates - $5.00 Grandma Betty donates - $5.00 Aunt Jane donates - $5.00 Uncle Joe donates - $5.00 TOTAL DONATED = $25.00 How it works…
Take Home Pledge Packet Go to Click on the Register to Participate button! Your sponsors will click Support a Participant button to sponsor you. How It Works…
If you get 5 sponsors, you will earn a Reading Bracelet! If you get 10 sponsors, you will earn a Cool Reader Duck! How it works…
How It Works…
1.Reading before and after school counts. 2.You can only read a book once for the contest. 3.You can read independently or other people can read to you…If you read to your friend or sibling, it counts for both of you! Read-a-thon Rules
4.Reading instead of doing homework does not count. Reading instead of watching TV does! 5.Assigned reading for homework and book reports counts. 6.The total # of minutes for a weekday = 300 The total # of minutes for a weekend day/holiday = 600 Read-a-thon Rules (Page 3)
Star Reader - The student in each grade that READS the most minutes and the student who earns the most money! Star Readers will get to go in a Limo to Lunch with Mrs. Weyenberg! How you win…
Class Winners will get one of these parties… Electronics or Game Board Party Movie Dodgeball Party Wii Dance Party How you win…
If you earn more than $25 in pledges will be entered into a drawing to win one of many prizes… Sonic, Dairy Queen, Frost… And many more… How you win…
Every student that participates will receive a certificate and a prize just for turning in your form. How you win…
And the teacher of the classes that win will receive a gift also! How you win…
Get Pledges from 8/25-8/31 Read, Read, Read from 8/31 to 9/7 Turn In your pledge forms from 9/8 to 9/12 Winners will be announced the following week! Timeline of Events