Urban Meteorology James R. Mahoney, Ph.D. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmospheres Deputy Administrator, NOAA September 22, 2004 James R. Mahoney, Ph.D. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmospheres Deputy Administrator, NOAA September 22, 2004 Delivering Improved Weather and Climate Services for the Urban Zone
Searching For a System Solution 1. What are the problems we are trying to solve? 2. What is the whole system? 3. How do we optimize the solution?
1. What are the problems we are trying to solve? Emergency response – protection of public health and safety Air quality analysis and planning HVAC and indoor air quality Forecasting weather extremes Transportation/weather/air quality relationships
2. What is the whole system? (Emergency Response) GIS-Based Inventory Meteorological and Dispersion Information Characterization of Hazardous Material Releases Response Strategy Development
GIS-Based Inventory Population including special risks Terrain and building topography Exit routes and capacities Diurnal and weekly traffic patterns Ports, rail lines, and major freight highways Hospitals and capacities Functional GIS model
Meteorological and Dispersion Information Synoptic analysis and forecasts Local observation networks (data quality) Small scale dispersion conditions High resolution satellite observations Suite of dispersion model algorithms Functional meteorological and dispersion model(s)
Characterization of Hazardous Material Releases Mode (spills, explosives, leaks, etc.) Physical/chemical properties Toxicity profiles Biological propagation and quarantine protocols Radiation protection guidelines Integrated models including default parameters
Response Strategy Development Pre-designed ingest protocols Master integrated model including defaults Communications protocols Information systems for first responders Unified information for response managers with frequent updates
3. How do we optimize the solution? Objective function: Minimize adverse effects of accidents and terrorism events Constraints: Irreducible uncertainties - Meteorological dispersion parameters - Hazardous materials releases Issues - Model development - Measurement data quality - Urban test beds
Searching For a System Solution 1. What are the problems we are trying to solve? 2. What is the whole system? 3. How do we optimize the solution?