Youth Master Plan Survey Report Joint City Council School Board Meting February 24, 2014
The Youth Master Plan Survey Created by local organizations: Flintridge Institute, Day One, Boys and Girls Club, City of Pasadena Human Services and Recreation and Public Health Departments Designed and implemented by area youth and conducted in the Pasadena Unified School District service area. 2
The Youth Master Plan Survey Eligible students from ages 11 to 18, living or going to school in the cities of Pasadena, Altadena, Sierra Madre and parts of La Canada Flintridge were selected to voluntarily respond to the YMPS. Both public and private school students were part of this sample. 3
Demographics Distribution of Student Respondents by Grade
Racial and Ethnic Mix 6
Demographics Self-Identified Sexual Orientation 7 %95% CI Heterosexual/Straight Homosexual (Gay/Lesbian) Bisexual
Home Life 8 %†%† 95% CI Percent of students with someone in the home that has gone to college Percent of students who reported having divorced or separated parents
Home Life 9 Percent of students who live with their parents Percent of students who feel their family is supportive Percent in overcrowded housing *
Health and Wellness 10
Health and Wellness %95% CI Percent of students who ate vegetables at least twice daily Percent of students who ate fruit at least twice daily Percent of students who ate fast food at least once daily Percent who did not eat fast food daily
Health and Wellness 12
Health and Wellness 13
Violence and Safety 14 %95% CI Percent who felt racial discrimination from youth ^ Percent who felt racial discrimination from adults ^^ Percent who witnessed fights at least monthly
Violence and Safety 15 %95% CI Percent who reported having carried a gun in the last 30 days Percent who have been threatened by a weapon on school property Percent who have been in a physical fight on school property
Violence and Safety 16
Violence and Safety 17
Violence and Safety 18
Violence and Safety 19
Violence and Safety 20
Transportation 21
Employment Status
Trusted Adults 23