Maine Feeding Maine And Greater New England Aroostook Counties Role Presented By: Tate McPherson Maine Seed Company LLC 263 Pulcifur Rd Mapleton, ME
Some Important Facts Current world Population about 7 billion World Population expected to grow 28%, to over 9 billion by Food prices expected to rise during this same period in excess of 50%. Current (over last 10Years) food prices have risen 3.25% annually.
Why Aroostook? It is a matter of scale. Our county holds more land which could be in production than all of New England combined In fact we have more open land available for production than every acre of corn that is planted in the state of Maine. Scale is the biggest key if we want to “get real” about feeding Maine. Our farm and farming partners produced enough wheat in 2011 to put 3 loaves of bread in every household in Maine, and we represent less than 2% of the established grain production. We have the land, water, experience, technology and we have a robust hard working population that not only embraces the farming way of life, we live it everyday.
Our Focus We need infrastructure! My presentation is focused on a Cereal and Oilseed receiving and processing center for farmers to utilize. The receiving station is the hub of any grain system. It allows growers to bring their crops have them segregated, cleaned, dried and merchandised in a manor which allows the grower to receive the most return possible for each crop. In other regions of our country this would be called an elevator system.
Vision, 2040 We have identified a few suitable locations which will allow some utilization of existing infrastructure. Our facility will receive both organic and conventional grains, we will clean, dry, and prepare for the shipping of these grains. Marketing will be offered, as will longer term storage. We envision this as a place where buyers and growers meet, and congregate to support each other. We see this as the foundation stone of our local food movement. We also expect to have many other local businesses spring from this venture.
Our Needs Our needs to have this facility in operation as soon as Aug 2013 are as follows. Initially, 1.5 million for building purchase and retrofit construction. Additionally 900,000 after construction is complete for equipment and operations, which will include lab and testing equipment, cleaning and handling equipment, optical sorting technology, bagging and processing technology, ventilation and storage structures.
Rewards? A facility of this nature spins of local businesses, adds jobs and builds community. There has been talk of flour mills, malt houses, oilseed presses, biodiesel, feed mills, all great ideas and possibilities. But not one is possible with out the receiving station to help facilitate them. Our current system is broken and we are sending 98% of our Maine/USA grown grain to Canada to be processed and resold to growers, millers and other businesses. Many of which are right here inside of Maine We can do this ourselves, we must do this ourselves If we want to keep family farms thriving, and make regional changes to our food supply system it begins in Aroostook County We will be the bread basket of New England with your support.
Thank You Thank you for your time If you have nay questions, please contact me directly at or by