Locating Materials Terri Wilson, MS Yumi Yaguchi, MSIS June 2015 rev. MV
Goals In this module students will learn the steps for locating library materials, both physical and electronic, through a variety of library tools including: TTUHSC Libraries Website Library Catalog Gold Rush Interlibrary Loan 10/21/2015 2
Objectives Students will be able to effectively search and find the materials they need for successful research. Note: Words in blue are hyperlinked to the Glossary at the end of this module. 10/21/2015 3
Basics of Locating Materials TTUHSC Libraries Website Always has the most current links to print and electronic books, journals, and databases Citation Format Correctly identifying the parts of a citation allows students to accurately search for and/or request articles and books Library Catalog Search for all physical/print materials owned in all branches of the Libraries 10/21/2015 4
eBooks Convenient resource for students, accessible 24/7, even if the print book is checked out; individual titles can be found by searching the Library Catalog eJournals Easily search Gold Rush to find and access all print and electronic journals to which the Libraries subscribe Interlibrary Loan Service that allows you to borrow a book or obtain an article Sometimes has a fee 10/21/ Basics of Locating Materials (continued)
Always start with the library homepage when you are looking for library materials. TTUHSC Libraries Website 10/21/ Then choose the tab for the type of material you are searching. (See next slide)
When searching for: TTUHSC Libraries Website (continued) 10/21/ Print Books/Journals Multimedia (CD-ROM, DVD, etc.) eBooks eJournals Go to the appropriate link
You can also find library materials by clicking on the tabs in the middle of the homepage. TTUHSC Libraries Website (continued) 10/21/ Print Books/Journals, Multimedia eBooks eJournals
Citation Format It is important to know the parts of a citation so that you can search for or request the book or journal article that you need. There are many elements to a citation and many variations depending on the type of resource that you are using. The following slides will show you the major parts of a typical book citation and a typical journal article citation. 10/21/2015 9
Citation Format – Book Parts of a book citation: 10/21/ Book title Author(s) Publisher Publication year
Citation Format – Journal Article Parts of a journal article citation: 10/21/ Article titleAuthor(s) Journal title Publication year Publication month Volume number Issue number Page number
Citation Format – Reference Management EndNote and RefWorks are reference management tools that allow users to manage, store, and share reference citations. Citations can be imported directly from online databases. Users can automatically insert these citations into their papers and generate formatted bibliographies and manuscripts in seconds. Consult your library for assistance with these products. 10/21/
Citation Format – Reference Management 10/21/
Review point #1 Is the following circled phrase the title of the journal for this article citation? 10/21/
Answer #1 NO. The circled phrase is the title of the article. The arrow points to the journal title which is Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America. 10/21/
To search for all print books, journals, and multimedia, click on the Library Catalog link. Library Catalog 10/21/
10/21/ Type search term here 1. Type search term here 2.Click search icon Use this to limit search by title, author, etc. Library Catalog (continued) Default is All Libraries to search all branches. Use this limit to search by individual branch. Default is All Libraries to search all branches. Use this limit to search by individual branch.
Library Catalog (continued) 10/21/ Search results = Click one of the results you want to check. Then … (see next slide) 3. Click one of the results you want to check. Then … (see next slide) Location and Call NumberCall Number eBook access, if available
10/21/ Title Author/Editor Location & Call Number 4. Check Holding information in the Libraries 4. Check Holding information in the Libraries Use the Call Number to locate this book on your Library bookshelf. Library materials are shelved in order by call number. Use the Call Number to locate this book on your Library bookshelf. Library materials are shelved in order by call number. Library Catalog (continued) eBook Access, if available 5. When you see eBook access (green- highlighted line) in the Library Catalog, it is also available online. Click the link to go directly to the first page of the eBook.
Review Point #2 You want to find an eBook through the TTUHSC Library Website. Can you use the Library Catalog? 10/21/
Answer #2 YES. Although you should use the Library Catalog primarily to locate physical materials such as print books/journals, DVDs, or CD-ROMs, eBooks can also be found by searching the Library Catalog. 10/21/
cancer eBooks Select the “Catalog” tab. Type Search term(s) into Search Box.
“Online Access” will show for all eBooks availability. For more specific Searching: Click on: “Advanced Search”
In the advanced search menu: 1)Enter term(s) in the first field 2) In 2 nd field enter “electronic” 3) Then click on the green Search box.
Gold Rush is the complete and current list of all journal titles available through TTUHSC Libraries, both electronically and in print. Gold Rush 10/21/ Mouse over eJournals, then click on Gold Rush Note: Use Gold Rush when you have a full citation
Gold Rush (continued) 10/21/ Type your journal title into the default search box. You can only search for a journal title, not an article title. Identify the journal title that you are looking for and click on the link.
Gold Rush (continued) 10/21/ If the Libraries have the print version of the journal, there will be a link to that journal in the catalog. No link means no print version, as is the case here. If the Libraries have full-text access to the journal electronically, there will be one or more links to that journal. Click on the link to the appropriate access point.access point Be sure to check if your citation falls under the Dates Available so you can choose the right access point.access point Be sure to check if your citation falls under the Dates Available so you can choose the right access point.access point
You will be taken to the homepage for that subscription of the journal. Once you get to the journal's homepage, you will need to find an "Archive" or "Past Issues" link and then look for the year, volume, and issue that has the article for which you are searching. Gold Rush (continued) 10/21/ Link to older issues of journal
Review point #3 If you have the title of an article and the name of the author who wrote it, can you find the article in Gold Rush? 10/21/
Answer #3 No. Gold Rush is a list of all journals available through TTUHSC Libraries. You must know the name of the journal you need before you can search in Gold Rush. 10/21/
If we don’t have what you are looking for, contact the Interlibrary Loan department (ILL) to borrow: Books Journal articles Audiovisuals from other TTUHSC library branches or other libraries around the country. Sometimes, there are fees for using the ILL service. 10/21/ Interlibrary Loan
You can request an ILL item by filling out a form in your home library or you can fill out an online form. 10/21/ Interlibrary Loan (continued) On the right side of the screen under the section Library Services, mouse over Interlibrary Loan and click on Online ILL Request Form.
Final Points…Summarize Citation Format: Identifier of the book or journal article. You must interpret the citation information correctly to search for or request the book or journal article that you need. Library Catalog: Search for print books/journals, multimedia. eBooks: Search for ebooks. Gold Rush: Use this when you search for a specific journal article with full citation. Interlibrary Loan (ILL): Contact the ILL department to borrow materials your Library does not have. Distance students must use ILL to request all materials to be sent to them. 10/21/ Locate library materials, both physical and electronic, always through the TTUHSC Libraries Website
Exercise #1 The Washington manual of surgery. Find the most current edition of this book in print that is available in the TTUHSC Libraries. Which library location(s) holds this book? 10/21/
El Paso, Lubbock, Odessa. Go to: TTUHSC Libraries Website Library Catalog.TTUHSC Libraries Website Library Catalog Type: “Washington manual of surgery” in the search box. Hit the Enter key. The first title in the search results is the most current edition available in the TTUHSC Libraries. Answer #1 10/21/ Location and Call Number Title and Edition
Exercise #2 The Washington manual of surgery. Locate the most current edition of this eBook available through the TTUHSC Libraries. 10/21/
5 th edition. Go to: TTUHSC Libraries Website.TTUHSC Libraries Website Click: eBooks, Theses, & Dissertations on the right. Go to: A-Z Individual eBook Lists. Click on “W” (ignore “The”). Locate the title: The Washington manual of surgery. Answer #2 10/21/ Click the link to the eBook Go to: TTUHSC Libraries Website Library Catalog.TTUHSC Libraries Website Library Catalog When you see eBook access (yellow-highlighted line) in the Library Catalog, click the link to go directly to the first page of the eBook. OR
Exercise #3 Is The New England Journal of Medicine available in print or electronic through the TTUHSC Libraries? If it is available online, how many access points are there? 10/21/
Answer #3 10/21/ Print Electronic 1 access point Using Gold Rush: The New England Journal of Medicine is available in both print and electronic formats. The electronic version has one access point.
Glossary Call Number Call Number A combination of numbers and letters to show where your material is located in the library Mouse OverMouse Over To move a computer mouse over the tab/section you want to see Access PointAccess Point Any entry point under the record that you may search for and identify your item 10/21/ Book WO 100 C WO 100 C Located at the bottom on the spine and/or front of the material