Community Development Department Background and Location Map Applicant - City of Palm Coast Owner – Duane Sizemore Address – west of Old Kings Road and south of SR 100 Size of Property +/-5.3 acres Current Use – Stormwater Pond with walking trail Current FLUM-Agriculture & Timberlands Current Zoning – Agriculture Proposed FLUM – Greenbelt Proposed Zoning – Parks and Greenways
Community Development Department EXISTING FUTURE LAND USE MAP North – Mixed Use West – Agriculture & Timberlands South- Agriculture & Timberlands East –Agriculture & Timberlands, and Institutional
Community Development Department CURRENT ZONING MAP North – General Commercial & Multi- family West – Agriculture South- Agriculture East –Agriculture, and Educational
Community Development Department Existing Uses North- Fitness Center and other commercial West-Vacant South-Vacant East-Vacant and Old Kings Road Elementary school
Community Development Department MAXIMUM DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS
Community Development Department PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPACT ANALYSIS No significant impact to public facilities. Proposed FLUM will not cause LOS to fall below adopted LOS standards. Proposed FLUM will decrease impact on public facilities. TABLE 2: PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPACT ANALYSIS Intensity (1) Transportation (ADT) (2) Potable Water (GPD) (3) Wastewater (GPD) (4) Stormwater Drainage (5) Solid Waste, Recreation and Parks, and Public Education (6) Property #1: 5.3 Acres or 230,868 sq. ft. Proposed FLUM Designation: GreenbeltMAX FAR sq. ft. X.30 FAR=69260sq. ft ,774.36,926.0N/A Current FLUM Designation: Agriculture & Timberlands Max Lot coverage 35% sq. ft. X.35 FAR=80804sq. ft ,736.68,080.4N/A Net Difference: N/A
Community Development Department ENVIRONMENTAL/CULTURAL RESOURCES ANALYSIS Due to the developed condition of the property: –There is no impact on local topography. –No impact on natural vegetative community. –Low likelihood of permanent inhabitance by protected species. –No adverse impacts to environmental sensitive lands. The property lies outside the 100-year floodplain or special flood hazard area. The nearest well is greater than 1.0 mile to the southeast of the property. Activities associated with the proposed FLUM change will not impact the potable water supply. A GIS search of Division of Historical Resources’ Florida Master Site File concluded the site area had been surveyed with evidence of documented resource, FL00186 – Old Kings Road. However, since this parcel is completely developed, no impacts will occur to any historical or archeological resources.
Community Development Department CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES Policy (E) – Greenbelt – This FLUM designation identifies areas for limited agricultural uses, silviculture, parks, greenways, golf courses, and other types of open spaces including environmental preserves and some wetland areas….
Community Development Department LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ANALYSIS 1.Whether it is consistent with all adopted elements of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Finding: The proposed rezoning from Flagler County Agricultural to Parks and Greenways (P&G) is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element designation of Greenbelt. 2.Its impact upon the environment or natural resources. Staff Finding: No additional impact upon the environment or natural resources are expected to occur as a result of the change in zoning classification from a designation assigned by Flagler County to one assigned by the City of Palm Coast.
Community Development Department LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ANALYSIS 3.Its impact on the economy of any affected area. Staff Finding: This proposed rezoning should have a generally positive impact on the Palm Coast community. 4.Notwithstanding any provisions of the land development regulations, its impact upon necessary governmental services such as schools, sewage disposal, potable water, drainage, fire and police protection, solid waste or transportation systems. Staff Finding: The proposed FLUM designation of Greenbelt and compatible zoning district of Parks and Greenways (P&G) triggers no governmental services at this time. The low intensity of the proposed zoning district does not require any provision of necessary governmental services.
Community Development Department LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ANALYSIS 5.Any changes in circumstances or conditions affecting the area. Staff Finding: Voluntary annexation of the site on October 3, 2006 into the City limits results in a changed circumstance requiring the City to designate the parcel in accordance to the City’s land development criteria. 6.Any mistakes in the original classification. Staff Finding: There were no mistakes made in the original classification. The annexation and subsequent FLUM amendment have triggered the rezoning classification.
Community Development Department LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ANALYSIS 7.Its effect upon the use or value of the affected area. Staff Finding: The rezoning of this site from Flagler County Agriculture to the City of Palm Coast Parks and Greenways (P&G) will have a positive effect on the value of the affected area by allowing the City to continue to pursue voluntary annexations in the surrounding area. 8.Its impact upon the public health, welfare, safety, or morals. Staff Finding: Staff did not identify any negative impacts on the public health, welfare, safety or morals of the community.
Community Development Department FINDINGS The proposed FLUM amendment and rezoning is consistent with the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the adopted Comprehensive Plan. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the 8 criteria established in the Land Development Code for a zoning change.
Community Development Department RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of: FLUM amendment application # LU-MIN from County designation Agriculture & Timberlands to City designation Greenbelt. Rezoning application # RZ-OTH from County designation of Agriculture to City designation of Parks and Greenways.