Cattle Lot Beef Vs. Pasture Beef “The Debate” By: Jordan Cress
The Debate There has been an ongoing debate on whether cattle lot beef or pasture beef is a better option. To make a decision on which one is for you, middle ground must be found.
Cattle Lots… 97% of beef in the market is grain-fed It takes cattle that are fed corn about months to make weight. Produced more frequently. Feed lot cattle are protected from predators Any animal that is sick is removed from pens and treated by the vet
Cattle Lots…(continued) Cattle lots are kept as clean as possible for the cow’s and worker’s health $2.50/lb Average cattle lot is acres depending on how many cows there are
Feed lots are kept clean and animals are fed twice a day.
Pasture Beef… 3% of beef in the market is pasture fed It takes cattle that are fed grass about months to make weight Higher nutritional value Less fat $9/lb Average size of pasture needed is acres depending on the quality of land
Pasture raised cattle are kept on a vast array of grassland.
What They Agree On… Feed the world Produce good quality meat Keeping animals healthy Reduce emissions from cattle farming Feed cows forage A lot of land is needed
Middle Grounds… Create a diet that is both forage and corn fed Keep a safe environment that will protect cattle from both predators and weather Produce quality beef products for consumers at a reasonable price Composting manure to better environment
Sources… Rights