By Jenny Brooks
Save presentation by going to Office button (PowerPoint) or File (Keynote and Impress) and click on “Save.” At “Save” window, remind students to look where they are saving at the “Save In” address line – they should see their name so that their presentation is being saved into their personal file folder on the computer. Once the presentation has been saved to the correct location, each time the students’ click save it will save to the same location.
Go to Design in toolbar headings and select an overall theme for presentation from toolbar. To select a specific theme, right click on chosen theme in toolbar and click apply to selected slide(s). Students may use an overall them or a variety of themes according to your or their preference.
DIRECTIONS FOR LAYOUTS: Go to Home in toolbar headings and select layout. A drop down menu will appear for students to select the layout needed for the information presented in each slide. Layout choices include: title, title and content, two content, comparison, section header, content with caption, picture with caption and blank. Demonstrate the uses of each and remind students that each presentation must have a title slide and a sources slide. HERE YOU CAN ADD A SECOND CONTENT OR PICTURE DESCRIPTION:
Adding Pictures or Clip Art Within the layout chosen, students may import their saved media by clicking on the media icon desired (picture, clipart, movie, table, chart or graphic.) Or they may click on toolbar heading Insert and chose the type of media which they want to insert. To insert pictures or graphics saved from the internet into their name files, click on insert, click on picture from file, find file folder in pop up window under Look in: drop down line; find picture file and click insert. Resize picture and location as needed.
Inserting a Textbox Slide layouts have text boxes pre-inserted, but to manually insert a textbox, click insert toolbar headings, and click textbox. This is great for labeling pictures because textboxes can be inserted over pictures (send picture to background in picture formatting tools and insert textbox over picture.) Students may insert multiple textboxes on one slide. My Daughter, Anabel, in second Grade. My Husband, Greg. My Son, Wyatt. My Daughter, Emma.
Students may advance through these special features of the programs at their own pace and readiness. Students must be proficient in the standard features before moving on to inserting sound, video, animations and transitions. (Warning! students will enjoy these features, but can easily get distracted by them and end up having a presentation with lots of bells and whistles, but no substance.)
To insert sound, go to Insert toolbar heading and click sound (Sound drop down menu allows for inserting clips from file, clip art organizer, CD audio track, or record original sound) and choose desired sound. PowerPoint has many sound effects and songs available within its clipart library (refine search by choosing sounds only under “Results should be:”.) Once sound is chosen, decide whether the sound should start automatically when that slide is shown in the slideshow or when the sound icon is clicked. Students may also choose the length the sound will play. Sounds may be played one time for effect or emphasis on one slide or as background sound for the entire length of the slideshow.
Inserting Media Clips Inserting a movie clip is the same as inserting pictures or sound. Click on media clip within slide layout or click on insert in toolbar menu and movie. Ss may insert saved clips from file (movie file should have been previously saved into student’s name folder) or insert from clipart library. When searching the clipart library for movie, make sure to refine the search by limiting the media file types searched to movies only. PowerPoint has many short animations or movie files within the clipart library. As with sound, Ss may choose when to start movie either automatically or when clicked. All formatting of media may be done under drop down menu of the media type.
Animations are additions Ss may make to the words and pictures on each slide. These are wonderful tools for emphasis on a particular point or picture and to keep the audience’s attention with words and objects moving at the pace of the presenter. (Unfortunately, Ss enjoy putting too many animations into their presentations and they become a distraction rather than attention getting tool.) To insert animations, click on Animations in the toolbar menu. Click on the text or object desired to animate. In toolbar, choose an animation from drop down bar for a simple animation or choose custom animation for a greater variety. Simple animations will advance on click during show. Custom animations allow specific instructions for animations to advance by timing or clicking or after previous animation. Custom animations are fun to play with and may be as complex as the Ss desire. Preview all animations before saving. School BusEiffel TowerJersey Cow
Transitions are special effects between slides. (Again, these are attention attracting tools, but should be used sparingly to not distract the audience.) To insert transitions, click on Animations in toolbar. The icons directly below the Animations button display the most common transitions (and least distracting) available when changing from slide to slide. A larger variety of transitions are available by clicking the drop down arrow next to these icons. Sounds may be added to each transition by clicking and choosing a sound effect. Students may also personalize their presentations by applying transitions to all slides or individual pairings. Preview transitions before saving.
View Slideshow. 1.Click Slide Show. 2.Click from Beginning. 3.Go through each slide and rehearse what you will say as you present project to class. 4.Complete Project Checklist on Rubric. 5.Evaluate yourself on Rubric.