Computer-Based Communications Systems and Networks IS250 Spring 2010 John Chuang
John Chuang IS250 UC Berkeley2 Networks, Networks, Everywhere… Networking in the large Networking in the small Networking in the very small Wireless, mobile Infrastructure vs. ad-hoc Application layer overlays Online social networks …
John Chuang IS250 UC Berkeley3 Internet Backbone Networks AT&T North America Backbone
John Chuang IS250 UC Berkeley4 Access Networks UCB Campus Network
John Chuang IS250 UC Berkeley5 Access Networks Copyright Intel Corporation
John Chuang IS250 UC Berkeley6 Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Sensor Networks for Habitat Monitoring, Alan Mainwaring, Joseph Polastre, Robert Szewczyk, David Culler, John Anderson ACM International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications September 28, 2002,.Atlanta, GA.
John Chuang IS250 UC Berkeley7 Application Layer Overlay Networks Portion of http cache hierarchy Source: CAIDA Plankton Project Portion of gnutella P2P file-sharing network End System Multicast (ESM) Tree for Sigcomm’02 Broadcast Source: CMU ESM Project
John Chuang IS250 UC Berkeley8 Course Description This course offers a multidisciplinary inquiry into the technology, business, economics, and public-policy of computer networks and distributed applications. We will cover the technical foundations of computer networks, including: Internet architecture, network technologies and protocols (e.g., 802.*, TCP/IP, HTTP), routing algorithms and policies, network applications (e.g., p2p overlays, VoIP), emerging network technologies, and network security. Tightly integrated will be coverage on the business, economics and policy of networking, including: economic characteristics of networks, network industry structure and ISP competition, wireless spectrum auction, network neutrality, and incentive-centered design of networks and applications.
John Chuang IS250 UC Berkeley9 250 Course Design Introduction to Computer Networking -2/3 technology; 1/3 economics and policy -No network programming (vs IS206 or EE122) -Balanced focus across network layers Source: Comer, Computer Networks and Internet, 5th Ed.
John Chuang IS250 UC Berkeley10 Roadmap Network architecture: internetworking; layering; E2E; tussles Network economics: economies of scale; network effects Physical layer: communication foundations Data link layer: LAN; last-mile access; wireless; satellite Network competition, industry structure Network layer: internetworking, addressing, routing, IPv6 Transport layer: UDP, TCP; congestion/flow control Application layer: VoIP, application overlays Network security: technology and economics Network design: incentives Network design: structure
John Chuang IS250 UC Berkeley11 Course Logistics Course website - Information on: -Textbook and readings -Grading criteria -Assignments and mini-project -How to subscribe to class mailing list
John Chuang IS250 UC Berkeley12 About Me Associate Professor of School of Information; affiliate appointment in EECS B.S. and M.S. in electrical engineering from USC and Stanford Micro-processor design at SGI Ph.D. in engineering and public policy from CMU Research in economics-informed design of networked systems: -100x100: clean-slate design of internet architecture -p2pecon: incentive-centered design of peer-to-peer systems -economics of information security and privacy -ICTD: information, communication technologies and development Pastime: boxbabble -- ingredient-based search app Teaching 250 for the 9th time (since 2000) Taken networking course 3 times (‘91, ‘96, ‘97)