Dante’s Inferno “Midway on our life’s journey, I found myself In dark woods, the right road lost.” Canto I “Midway on our life’s journey, I found myself In dark woods, the right road lost.” Canto I
Dante: The Man G Born in 1265 in the Italian city-state, Florence. G Middle Class (Royal Ties) G At age 20 he wed through an arranged marriage--Gemma Donati G At age 35, Dante had an important government post--magistrate. G Born in 1265 in the Italian city-state, Florence. G Middle Class (Royal Ties) G At age 20 he wed through an arranged marriage--Gemma Donati G At age 35, Dante had an important government post--magistrate.
Politics and Civil Strife G Two political parties in the 13th century dominated Florence. G Guelfs and Ghibellines G Only the Guelfs survived. In the 1290’s they split into the White Guelfs (associated with the old Ghibellines-- Composed of merchants and traders) and the Black Guelfs (led by old banking families) G Two political parties in the 13th century dominated Florence. G Guelfs and Ghibellines G Only the Guelfs survived. In the 1290’s they split into the White Guelfs (associated with the old Ghibellines-- Composed of merchants and traders) and the Black Guelfs (led by old banking families)
Political Strife Continued G Dante was affiliated with the White Guelf party. G Pope Boniface VIII sides with the banking interests, Black Guelfs G In 1300 Boniface plans to have the Catholic Church control the economies of Florence and Tuscany. Boniface moves to have all opposition ex-communicated. G Dante was affiliated with the White Guelf party. G Pope Boniface VIII sides with the banking interests, Black Guelfs G In 1300 Boniface plans to have the Catholic Church control the economies of Florence and Tuscany. Boniface moves to have all opposition ex-communicated.
Political Strife Continued G In 1301 Dante leaves Florence on a mission to gain support the opposition to the Black Guelfs. G While he is away the Black Guelfs take over Florence completely. He is exiled from his native city and sentenced to be burned alive if he ever returns. He never does. G In 1301 Dante leaves Florence on a mission to gain support the opposition to the Black Guelfs. G While he is away the Black Guelfs take over Florence completely. He is exiled from his native city and sentenced to be burned alive if he ever returns. He never does.
Facts To Remember G Dante made himself the main character of the Divine Comedy. G He was the first to write in the vernacular (the language of the people).
The Significance of the Number Three G The number three is prominent throughout the Divine Comedy, most specifically the “Inferno.” G The Trinity provides one possible reason for the frequency of the number three: Dante, obviously, wrote the Comedia as a deeply Christian work, and would have understood three to be a deeply theological number. G The number three is prominent throughout the Divine Comedy, most specifically the “Inferno.” G The Trinity provides one possible reason for the frequency of the number three: Dante, obviously, wrote the Comedia as a deeply Christian work, and would have understood three to be a deeply theological number.
Uses of 3 G Three Books: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso G Each book has thirty three cantos. (not counting the introduction in the Inferno) G Terza Rima Rhyme Scheme: the poem also employs a unique, interlocking terza rima rhyme scheme (aba bcb cdc...) that seems to be Dante's own invention. G In Canto One Dante encounters 3 beasts G Satan is represented as being a 3 headed creature. G Three Books: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso G Each book has thirty three cantos. (not counting the introduction in the Inferno) G Terza Rima Rhyme Scheme: the poem also employs a unique, interlocking terza rima rhyme scheme (aba bcb cdc...) that seems to be Dante's own invention. G In Canto One Dante encounters 3 beasts G Satan is represented as being a 3 headed creature.