ICTs For Gender Socio-Economic Empowerment
2 About Global ICT Department: Who we are Policy / Regulation Technical Assistance Public Investments Private Investments Full Spectrum of Involvement Investments Multi Donor Grant Program Policy & Regulation Development Programs A Comprehensive Global Practice… offering a full range of services
Our Vision “To unleash the power of human capital and give opportunities to the poor through easy access to information”
Why ICT? ICT is a universal equalizer, enabler & integrator -Enabling free, equal and one stop access to information, services and opportunities ICT is changing the world rapidly –ICT is a transformational technology –Shifting the balance of power: gender inclusion –Empowering human potential women and men ICT is a cross-cutting enabler for virtually all other sectors/players: Reformer, social entrepreneur, innovator No reform strategy can ignore the role of ICT today –Education, Health, Basic Services delivery –Public Sector Reform, Information society 4
Citizen Expectations: e-Gov Value Added
Country Type of government application Number of days to process before application Number of days to process after application Brazil Registration of 29 documents Several days 2030 minutes per document, one day for business licenses Chile Taxes online 25 days 12 hours China Online application for 32 business services 2-3 months for business license Several visits to multiple offices for filings days for business license Several seconds for routine filing for companies India, Andhra Pradesh Valuation of Property Few days 10 minutes Land Registration 7-15 days 5 minutes India, Karnataka Updating Land Registration 1-2 years 30 days for approval, request completed on demand Obtaining Land Title Certificate 3-30 days 5-30 minutes India, Gujarat Interstate Check Posts for Trucks 30 minutes 2 minutes Jamaica Customs Online 2-3 day for brokers to process entry 3-4 hours Philippines Customs Online 8 days to release cargo 4 hours– 2 days to release cargo Singapore Issue of Tax Assessments months 3-5 months Source: Subhash Bhatnagar and Arsala Deane (World Bank, 2003). Early Evidence of e-Government Value Added
Key Examples of e-Government Impact Karnataka, India – Land Registration (Bhoomi) –20 million land records computerized –Investment of $4.2 million –Savings of $18.3 million in bribes annually Korea’s e-Procurement – Investment of $80 million – $2.7 billion in annual savings –All processes fully automated –Corruption eradicated Ghana’s Customs (GCNet) –Created as a joint venture company with Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS, 60%), Government (20%), Ghana Shippers Council (10%), and two local banks (5%, each) –Equity of $5.3 million –49% increase in customs revenues in first 18 months and reduced clearance times (from 2 -3 weeks to 1-2 days)
Source: Adapted from Elena Crescia, Presentation at World Bank on ‘Measuring E-Gov impact: The Experience of Sao Paulo, Brazil’, February 9, 2006 Savings from e-Procurement in Sao Paulo, Brazil (2004) Costs IT development implementation $890,000 Data process and integration $446,927 Training$55,866 Hardware$279,330 Total$1,672,123 Maintenance$534,078 per annum Savings Savings in government processes $34 mill Savings in government prices (paid 25% less in prices) $73 mill Subtotal savings for government $107 mill Savings for Private Sector $35 mill Total savings:$142 mill Investment recouped in 5.7 days
World Bank Portfolio: significant investment in ICT 64% of Bank projects 1 have ICT components Total ICT investments estimated at about $7.73 billion No. of Projects identified with ICT ICT Commitment Amt. US$M IBRD/IDA Amount US$M Total1,0397,73672,124 Portfolio9306,19864,969 Pipeline ,568 Other 3 901,0715,587 1: Refers to the total number of projects reviewed (1630) as part of the ICT dimension study – as of Nov : Only includes pipeline projects with clear ICT components identified 3: ‘Other’ includes projects other than investment lending (incl. GPP, IDF, GEF, Special funds etc)
World Bank Integrated E-Gov Projects Portfolio Projects under Implementation: Tunisia, Sri-Lanka, Ghana, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Kenya, Mongolia, Cambodia, Romania CountryProjects Under Preparation OECS Horizontal and vertical activities including legal and regulatory framework, standards, interoperability, security, financial management etc. Pakistan Establishing policy framework, developing innovative PPP models for piloting new applications Mexico PPPs in e-Government, including study on outsourcing and development of pilot projects India Capacity building, program management, e-Bharat Fund for implementation of State level e-government applications Projects under identification AdvancedChina, Nepal, Rwanda, Malawi, Morocco, Cameroon, Cape Verde Initial stageArmenia, Mozambique, Tanzania, DRC, Lesotho, Eritrea
ICT and Women Empowerment Women face greater constraint to access ICTs Lack of education, technical skills, tailored training Permission and empowerment to seek knowledge Permission to use a common access center Permission to get the training, create an account, etc. Lack of representation in ICT policy making Low representation in Sciences and Technology Litteracy – Dropping out of primary school Last on the list to get a PC, Internet connection & Training in government-funded computerization programs Lost opportunity to create content that is adequate and relevant to local context and needs
Gender Issues in ICT Project Design Stakeholder Analysis Project Identification and Design Discussion of objectives and outcomes Project Preparation Project Implementation M&E Lessons Learnt How to re-use lessons learnt in other projects with a similar context Global knowledge, local application/re-invention/adaptation
Gender Indicators Access and Use of Modern ICTs Traditional ICTs ICT Content Local Language / context Employment in ICT sector Employment in ITES Sector/Industry Education/Litteracy Reskilling, Accreditation, International Certification Participation in National Strategy ICT regulation/Policy making Private Sector, Entrepreneurship, Innovation Patents/Inventions/Licences
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