Managing Assessment Change February/March 2008 Leading Learning
Learning Outcomes Principals will: be aware of the statutory assessment and reporting arrangements for the N.I. Curriculum have greater understanding of the different types of assessment and their purposes have considered the implications of the statutory assessment and reporting arrangements for their school and the integration of these into their School Development Plan
Overview Introduction Session 1 – Statutory Assessment Session 2 – Pupil Profile Conclusion – Support and Professional Development
Session 1 Statutory Assessment
Legislative Requirements The Education (NI) Order 2006 Article 9: Assessment 9(1) The curriculum for every grant-aided school shall require each pupil in each key stage at the school to be assessed in each school year in accordance with such assessment arrangements as are specified in relation to that pupil and that key stage under paragraph (2). (2) The Department may by order specify, in relation to – (a) an area of learning; (b) a cross-curricular skill; and (c) any other skill specified under Article 8(1)(b), such assessment arrangements as it considers appropriate for pupils in each key stage.
Legislative Requirements The Education (NI) Order 2006 Article 9: Assessment (3) Assessment arrangements specified under paragraph (2)(b)- (a) must, in the case of pupils in key stages 1, 2 and 3 … require pupils to be assessed by reference to levels of progression … levels of progression means levels determined for the purpose of measuring the progress of pupils in the development of a cross-curricular skill. Article 8: Skills (2) The cross-curricular skills are- (a) communication; (b) using mathematics; (c) using information and communications technology. (
What does this mean for schools? Cross-Curricular Skills Communication Using Mathematics Using ICT Yrs pupils assessed each year using Levels of Progression (2009/10) Foundation Stage – pupils assessed each year (Levels of Progression - not statutory)
What does this mean for schools? Areas of Learning – assessed and reported annually using qualitative comments Other Skills (TS&PC) – also assessed and reported annually using qualitative comments
Changing Emphasis FromTo Detailed Programmes of Study and Attainment Targets Level Descriptions in English (Irish) and Mathematics End of Key Stage assessment in English (Irish) and Mathematics Ongoing teacher assessment Assessment Units Moderation Annual Report Areas of Learning Levels of Progression in Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT Annual assessment (Yrs 3 - 7) Diagnostic Assessment (InCAS Yrs statutory) Ongoing teacher assessment Assessment tasks and activities Moderation Annual Pupil Profile Report Annual Parent Meeting
Levels of Progression Draft – subject to regulation Statutory criteria for teacher assessment Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT Common criteria for Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 7-Level scale (Key Stages 1-3) Competence-based (Pupils can…) Supplementary Guidance
DRAFT Levels of Progression in Communication Requirements for Communication Levels 1-5 Pupils can….
Levels of Progression in Using Mathematics DRAFT Requirements for Using Mathematics Levels 1-5 Pupils can….
Levels of Progression in Using ICT DRAFT Requirements for Using ICT Levels 1-5 Pupils can….
Using the Levels of Progression Annual assessment (Yrs 3 – 7) Teacher judgement Range of assessments over time Optional CCEA assessment tasks Best fit, holistic judgement
Consistency of Standards Internal Standardisation Moderation Voluntary Accreditation
Implications for your school Managing the assessment of the Cross-Curricular Skills in your school Consider: raising staff awareness reviewing policies school development planning
Legislative Requirements: Skills and Capabilities The Education (NI) Order 2006 Article 8: Skills The curriculum for a grant-aided school must ensure, wholly or mainly through the teaching of the minimum content of areas of learning and religious education, the acquisition and development by pupils of- (1) the cross-curricular skills (a) communication (b) using mathematics (c) using information and communications technology. (2) any other skills specified under Article 8(1)(b).
The other skills
Website and support materials
Session 2 Pupil Profile
Update 1.Annual Pupil Profile Report 2.Report Writer Training 3.Evaluation of InCAS Computer-Adaptive Assessments (December 2007) 4.Implementation Timetable 5.Moving forward
Annual Pupil Profile Report Standardised: Statutory minimum content Fixed headings Attendance Flexible: Headings labelled optional can be removed Optional Content can be re-named Box sizes Font style and size Length Logo
Report Writer Training C2k Report Co-ordination On-line training C2k helpdesk Comment banks
Evaluation of InCAS carried out in December 2007 available at:
Implementation Timetable YearInCAS Assessments Parent MeetingAnnual Pupil Profile Report (transition) Yr 5Yrs 1-3: Flexible timing Yr 5: Autumn term Yrs 1 and Yrs 5 and 6Yrs 1-3: Flexible timing Yrs 5 and 6: Autumn term Yrs 1, 2, 5 and Yrs 4-7Yrs 1-3: Flexible timing Yrs 4-7: Autumn term Yrs 1-7
Moving Forward Implications for your school: Annual Pupil Profile Report / Profiles 7 Managing InCAS Using InCAS feedback Sharing InCAS feedback with parents
Conclusion Support and Professional Development
Support and CPD InCAS Yr 6 training – May/June 2008 Whole school Professional Development in assessment /09 Range of guidance materials Assessment tasks Exemplification Website: